Year 7/8

Ms Fisher, Ms Wilkinson, Mr Johnson, Mr Lyons, Mr Gould

Transition and Community Engagement Program

As part of our Transition and Community Engagement program at CESC, select Year 6 students from Wilandra Rise Primary School were welcomed to join our students in an Art Therapy session. Art Therapy uses arts processes such as painting, collage and free association drawing to create meaning, rather than focussing on the end product. Art therapy can be helpful for students who cannot verbalise their feelings due to developmental or cognitive conditions or challenges with social skills. Our CESC students worked with the Year 6's and for those that will be attending the College next year now have a group of mentor students with like interests they can connect with. Thank you to the Connectedness & Engagement team for their work putting together the resources and transport to facilitate this event.  


Kate Wilkinson

Chinese High Achievers Program

“This term, we launched the Chinese High Achievers Program (CHAP), designed to foster excellence in Chinese language proficiency and cultural understanding among students. Tailored for those who demonstrate exceptional talent and enthusiasm for the Chinese language, this program offers a unique opportunity to enhance their skills in a focused and supportive environment.”


Yue Wang

Term 2 Sport

This term our Year 7 Cohort represented CESC at School Sports. Students demonstrated teamwork, leadership and cooperation on the day. Well done to all those that represented the College in the following:

 AFL, Badminton, Soccer and Netball. 

Special mention to the Soccer Boys who were runners up and Girls Netball who won the day and will progress to the next round.


We also had our College Cross Country. Well done to those who participated as well as Jacob Impey, Jassleen Brar, Max Foran, Harikesh Thevarasa and Shree Velumani who represented the College at the Region Cross Country event. 

Jacob Impey produced an outstanding Performance finishing 15th, only 3 places off progressing to the next Stage.


Hayden Johnson

Year 8

Year 8 Eric Agyeman Guest Speaker

On Tuesday 21st of May, Eric Agyeman spoke to our Year 8 students. Eric’s story had a profound impact on our students as he spoke about words either being seeds or bullets. Seeds that plant positivity and build others up or bullets that hurt and tear other people


Casey 360 Bus

The Casey 360 bus was well attended by our Year 8 students. The Casey 360 Bus is a mobile youth information centre for our junior students. Staffed by two youth workers young people can access information, support, games, technology and sports equipment.

Patrick Lyons


Student Leadership 

Throughout this Term, we have been working with our Student Leaders to further develop their leadership skills and make important decisions about our End of Year Reward for Year 8.

During Term Two, the students have; created and implemented a survey for our Year Level to complete, looked over and discussed the results, looked into budget and cost and came to a final decision about our End of Year Reward.

We are really proud of how our leaders have led this discussion and represented themselves and the Year Level.


Our work will continue into next Semester, there is more to come for our Leaders and the Year Level!

Liam Bullock