Upcoming dates


  • 28th - Friday
    • Last day of term 2, 2:30 finish


  • 15th - Monday
    • First day of term 3
  • 23rd - Tuesday
    • 2025 course information evening and subject expo (Year 9 into 10 & 10 into 11) 
  • 26th - Friday
    • Year 10 Careers Expo
  • 30th - Tuesday
    • Course counselling 9 into 10 (9I-O)


  • 1st - Thursday
    • Course counselling 9 into 10 (9A-H)
  • 6th - Tuesday
    • Course counselling 10 into 11
  • 8th - Thursday
    • Course counselling 10 into 11
  • 22-24th - Thursday to Saturday
    • Production
  • 24th - Friday
    • Student free day


  • 12th - Thursday
    • RUOK? Day
  • 20th - Friday
    • Last day of term 3, 2:30 finish