From the Principal 

Christian Woodcock (Acting Principal)

Thank you to the Cranbourne East Secondary Community

Thank you for your support this term for myself and the team at CESC.  The school has been working hard to provide an inclusive and engaging environment for all students during Term 2.


Some of the highlights included Harmony Day where students were able to represent their cultural heritage and participate in a day of dance performances and fun.  The participation was fantastic with both staff and students having a rewarding time.


End of Term Year Level Assemblies

I have been privileged to attend some of our end of term Year Level Assemblies in the past few days.  It has been great to see the pride on the faces of students of those receiving acknowledgments for great attendance, displaying the college values or achieving a high Growth Point Average (GPA) through their dedication to their classwork.  CESC continues to set high yet achievable expectations for our students and it is very pleasing to see these being met.  Well done everyone !


Term 3 

Will see a continued focus on embedding quality Teaching & Learning across the college to assist students with their learning.  This will, as always include setting clear expectations on always having an orderly Learning Environment with classroom routines to support all learners. Term 3 is also a very significant term for our Year 12 students as they head towards the conclusion of their course work and begin to think about exams and or the next steps in their pathway.  It is important that we provide our ongoing support for these students to assist them with having success.

Term 3 provides the rest of our students with a solid block of time to focus on their class work and develop their skills, make sure you have a well-earned rest before everyone returns on site on Monday, July 15th



Please take some time to open your child’s report on COMPASS in the coming days and have a conversation with them about their progress. This mid-year report provides you with a good opportunity to check in on how your child/ren are going across a range of learning areas.


