Ryan’s Rambling 

Message from the Principal 

Dear Parents, 


The mornings have become rather chilly, which has caused some students to reacquaint with the snooze button, I am told. Despite this, the days warm up to be quite comfortable, which is nice. 


This morning at assembly, we honoured some fantastic young athletes who have made it to the Division Level in September this year, based on their performance at last week’s District Athletics. 


Daisy C- Shot Put

Kenny PD- 200m dash

Archie S- 800m run

Conall M- 1500m run

Mikiah M- Hurdles

William B- Triple Jump

Alex B- Discus Throw


Further to this, there are two Sovereign Division Cross Country competitors making it to the Greater Western Primary Region Finals on May 27th:

Conall M 

Edith T


Congratulations to everyone! 


This week, we had a number of our students represent our school in an interschool AFL tournament. Out of three matches, our team won two, and just got beaten in the third.


Results aside, we have had a number of students and staff test positive for COVID over the course of this week. It is certainly doing the rounds. I ask that parents remain vigilant and please test if you’re able to. 


The Department of Education are no longer supplying schools with Rapid Antigen Tests, which does make things difficult for some people. 


This week, the State Government announced that a payment of $400 will be made for each child attending a Government school, to support camps, excursions and other school related costs. This is a very welcome announcement for all of us; however, we are awaiting the details on how this will be implemented at a school level. The payments are scheduled to begin in 2025. More information to come as it is released. 


Just a reminder that we have a Curriculum Day scheduled for the 27th of May; Monday week. 


Have a fantastic weekend. 

