REC News

Shannon Cain


All of the staff and students would like to offer our prayers of safe passage to Gai and Michael Melville as they return to sunny Sydney.

Mrs Melville stepped in to be Principal at McAuley this term and is to be commended on the way she embraced insulating layers, thermal gloves, beanies, scarves, coats  and even the desire to buy gumboots this term!

Mrs Melville had been a delightful addition to the McAuley family and we sincerely thank her  for the joy and laughter she has brought to the staff room.  Gai and Michael embody all of our Christian values and it has been so wonderful to have been inspired by them both. 

We know you you are looking forward to heading back to the warmer weather of Sydney but hope you will think of Orange fondly and come back to visit in the near future.


Last week our Mission Leaders Will and Salome met with David McGovern who is the Bathurst Diocesan Director of Catholic Mission to discuss how they can assist those in need in Mongolia.

You will hear more from our leaders about Mission Sunday and Mission Week next term. They have many wonderful ideas on how to support Catholic Mission and are excited about getting all of the McAuley Family involved in these future events!

Year 6 RE TEST


Each year all Year 6 students in the Diocese of Bathurst complete a Religious Education Test. This test consists of concepts they have learnt from Year 3 to Year 6.  

This year we are proud to say there were 11 distinctions, 30 Credits and 17 Participation awards.


Congratulations to the following students on their distinctions.

 Joshua McLean 

William Hepworth 

Grace Hilder 

Lillian Fuller-Davis

Abbie Cain 

Marco Sciuto

  Coco Portass 

Macklin Moon 

Digby Luelf 

Oscar  Logan

 May Kennedy 



This Friday Kindergarten will participate in a Kindergarten Retreat in the Kenna Hall during the middle session. 

The theme of this retreat is: 




You are invited to join our welcoming ministry. Training for new welcomers (and refresher for current welcomers) will be held: Sunday 30 June, 11:30am, St Mary’s Gathering Space; Sunday 7 July, 10:00am, Parish Office Meeting Room and St Joseph’s. You only need to attend one training session, where we will workshop welcoming situations, brainstorm what can go wrong and how to manage tricky situations, do a tour of the Church (so everyone knows where to direct people if needed), eat food and get to know each other. Please RSVP to Amy at or 6362 2378.



Please keep Mrs Satterthwaite your prayers. 

Yesterday she finished her role as KB teacher ready to take on her new title as 'Mummy.' We pray for the safe arrival of Baby Satterthwaite and look forward to meeting her first child.