Principal's Page

Gai Melville

Parent Engagement Learning Framework Workshop

Many thanks to the parents who joined us to strengthen our learning culture and co-construct our Learning Framework. The intent of the co-constructed learning Framework is to identify, define and explore what we value great learning to be at Catherine McAuley. The input from the parent session will join with the voices of our staff and students to enhance shared language and collective accountability across our whole school community. 


Reports and Interviews

Thank you to all parents and students who attended the interviews with classroom teachers this week. This is a very important part of your child's schooling and is an excellent way of receiving and giving feedback. We appreciate you making the time to attend these interviews.


Thank you also to all the teachers for their hard work and the extra hours work involved in preparing reports and participating in the parent, student, teacher interviews.



Congratulations to all members of our Chess teams who capably took part in the 2024 tournament.  At the conclusion of Day 2, Mr C (our friend and coach) commented that he had noticed incredible growth in all of the McAuley students and was very proud of the way they played.  All students conducted themselves with good sportsmanship, and were excellent ambassadors for the school.  Special thanks go to Jaxon and Annabelle who graciously played for another school when they were short a player due to illness.  Our two Rookies teams played in the finals, and placed 3rd and 5th out of 17 teams: an incredible effort considering the teams they were competing against comprised students in Years 5 and 6.  Our Championship and Intermediate Teams came up against some very strong competition, doing their best and learning some new moves over the two days.  A huge thank you to Mrs Brown for organising our participation in the event and for hosting Day 1 of the competition at our school.


Welcome back Mrs Flynn!

When school returns in Term 3 Mrs Flynn will be back to greet everyone and to hear about all the holiday fun.   


Thank you

It has been such a privilege to join the Catherine McAuley community for the term.  I have felt welcomed from the very first day by students, families and staff.  Now, as I just begin to acclimatise to the frosty Orange mornings, it is time to say farewell and thank you.  You have an incredible school with a rich history and an exciting future.  I pray our paths cross again one day.