Principal's Message

Mrs. Cassie Lynch

Dear Families & Carers,


Welcome to another action packed edition of our newsletter where we share the good news about our beautiful school!


This weekend, we celebrated an important spiritual milestone with a group of our Grade 4 students! Maddy, Connor, Charlotte & Kristopher completed their Sacrament of Confirmation & First Holy Eucharist. We came together with St. Bernard's Primary School, children from our parish for this momentous event. Bishop Shane & Father Nathan led a heartwarming ceremony at Our Lady's Church on Saturday afternoon. 


Many thanks to: 

  • Christine McMahon (our Parish representative who is dedicated to running the pre-learning sessions with our students & families).
  • Our students and families who were committed to learning and growing through this process. 
  • Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Boak & Mrs. Saxby for organising our liturgy.
  • Staff from both St. Bernard's & Our Lady's for attending the event and making it extra special.


Thank you to all families who supported us to have a school closure day on Friday the 24th of May. All staff travelled to Galen for a day of learning in various areas of school life. Teaching and learning is high on our agenda, hearing from Selena Fisk about the importance of using data to drive our teaching. We were gifted with many things to ponder on this day!




Cassie Lynch