Mission News

Mrs Anna Nasr


Many blessings and heartfelt congratulations to staff member Jen McNamara on the recent birth of baby Harry, a sibling for big brother Ollie.


We keep the Marist community of Assumption College Kilmore (Vic) in our prayers following a recent bus accident involving their students and staff from the school. 

We pray for all those who are struggling or unwell at this time, and those who have died recently. May they rest in the peace of God and those who mourn their loss be comforted. Amen.

Community Mass 

It was great to see some of our representative sportsmen participating in Friday Mass.


On 24 May the feast day of Our Lady Help of Christians, we asked Mary for guidance and to pray for us in all areas of life, including weekend sport! 


Mass times:


Wednesday Morning - 8:00am

Friday 1st Break - 11:45am






Gospel and Reflection

Gospel From Most Holy Trinity Sunday, 26 May (Matthew 28:16-20)

The eleven disciples set out for Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had arranged to meet them. When they saw him they fell down before him, though some hesitated. Jesus came up and spoke to them. He said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.'

The Sign of the Cross is a prayer we inscribe on our bodies with our hands with the words “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. We hear Jesus telling his disciples to baptise people with this formula, bringing them into the mystery of a relationship that theologians describe as “trinitarian”. This year, Trinity Sunday coincided with National Sorry Day which begins National Reconciliation Week in Australia. Perhaps it is not so strange to suggest that the ever-flowing, utterly giving relationship of Father-Son-Spirit is the ideal on which to base our own human relationships. It calls us to recognise the dignity of each and every person and to be reconciled with one another. It asks us not to hold power over others but to give generously, to live fully and to love unconditionally


Through daily prayer and at our assembly this week, we will continue to bring focus to the ongoing work—through action and reflection—that is needed to achieve reconciliation and healing between the First Peoples and non-indigenous peoples. We will remember not only the impact of colonisation which began over 200 years ago, but the intergenerational trauma of the stolen generations which is still felt deeply today. 


And so we pray:


+ Loving God, 


You who are present in your son Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit,


We pray for the courage to speak up for the marginalized and oppressed, and to be a voice for the generations that have suffered under the weight of racism and discrimination. May your love and grace inspire us to take action towards reconciliation and healing, and to work towards a future where all people are treated with dignity and respect.


Help us to listen to the voices of those who have been silenced for too long, and to work together side-by-side to restore relationships and heal wounds. 


May we be guided by your love and grace, and may our actions be a reflection of your goodness.


We ask your Holy Spirit to guide us towards a future where love, mercy, and compassion reign. 


As we work towards reconciliation, we entrust our efforts into your hands.


Mary our good mother                          pray for us

St Marcellin Champagnat                    pray for us

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop          pray for us

And may we always remember           to pray for one another


Amen. + 


Artwork from 2021 Marist theme “Creation and the Universe” by Sharon Williams.

Sacrament of Penance

Just as we are challenged to keep walking the path of reconciliation in Australia, so do Christians seek to be reconciled before God. The Sacrament of Penance (or Reconciliation) asks us to reflect on our lives, to express that we are sorry for our sins and ask God to help us to do better, to live life anew. 


Students in Years 7-12 will have the opportunity to participate in this sacrament with their RE classes for the remainder of this term and into Terms 3 and 4. Fr Tini also continues to offer students the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Penance every Tuesday morning from 8:00am - 8:30am in the College Chapel.

Super Saturday – 2nd Hand Uniform Sales

This Saturday we will be selling donated 2nd hand uniforms; every item will be $5.00 and all proceeds will go towards our Australian Marist Solidarity Fundraising Initiative


Paddington Community Centre

Last week, a group of six Year 7 students from Rush House spent time with elderly visitors at the Paddington Community Centre. After talking and playing games together, everyone joined in singing Elvis’ “Can’t help falling in love”. The boys were invited to sing a song and they opted for Sub Tuum, which they performed with arms linked in the manner we’ve seen at assemblies this year, our “Year of Connection”. It was wonderful to see such a visible sign of solidarity on display. Students and older folk both thoroughly enjoyed the visit. We look forward to taking another group soon!




Once a month we are now taking a group of seniors to work at FareShare Chairty Kitchen. FareShare’s mission is twofold: they cook up surplus food from Coles, Woolworths, Foodbank etc. – food that would otherwise be thrown away – into healthy and delicious meals for vulnerable Australians.  


Thank you to Nathan Lam, Rory O’Keefe, Patrick Jewell, Max Bathersby, Hugh Irwin, Tristan Woods, Oscar Pittman and Cyrus Kwok who help to package up 3600 meals and cut up 250kg of chicken, zucchini and onions to be cooked up into a nutritious meal the next day. Most of this food was surplus meaning that it was already destined to be thrown away.


If you are over 16 and would like to volunteer for FareShare, please email Ms Kathryn Badini - badinik@marash.qld.edu.au.


Sony Foundation Camp – Calling all campers!

Sony Foundation Camp is back on campus over the September School Holidays with both Marist and Mt Alvernia Year 11 students will be taking on the role of companions for children with a disability.


However, for the camp to proceed, we need campers! We would love to support our local community so please reach out to your friends, relatives, neighbours or any family you know who might be in need of respite. We would love to assist!


Please visit our website – Sony Foundation Camp 2024 - Marist College Ashgrove (marash.qld.edu.au) to fill in an application form.  



St Vincent de Paul and the Environment Group

Come on over Thursday mornings and buy a delicious Bacon and Egg burger for $4.50!


Vinnies and the Environment Group meetings will continue alternating Thursday during break 1B in Room 801. All students are welcome.


Stationery Aid

Sorting and cleaning of highlighters continued in Room 801 on Friday. This task (made easier with many hands!) is a part of a bigger process of making sure good quality reuseable stationery finds its way to families where the need is greatest.


Students are invited to come along to Room 801 on Fridays mornings between 7.30am-8.30am to help out.


Donations to Stationery Aid are always gratefully received in the blue bin next to the Mission Office.


To find out what you can donate to Stationery Aid and for other information about this wonderful charity, visit the website: https://stationeryaid.org/ 

Students helping clean highlighters on Friday morning.
Students helping clean highlighters on Friday morning.


Emmanuel City Mission

The Marist College's MATES program is partnering with Emmanuel City Mission in south Brisbane to support the vulnerable in our community. Emmanuel City Mission provides meals, shower and washing facilities, clothing and toiletry packs, and a place where visitors can feel safe. Marist College hopes to partner with Emmanuel City Mission by sending students to the centre to cook a meal for their visitors and share conversations. The centre relies on donations from the community and has asked the college to sponsor the meals that our students will make. Sponsorship of each meal ranges in price from $300 to $350.


If you are a company owner or worker who would be willing to help the college regularly sponsor a meal or part thereof, please reach out through our mates@marash.qld.edu.au email. We would hope to send students to the centre and sponsor a meal at least once a month. Your contribution will directly impact those in need and support our students' service-learning journey. To sponsor a meal or learn more, contact us at mates@marash.qld.edu.au.