Head of Students News

Mr Peter Serone

Year 7 Immunisation Program

Year 7 students who have parent consent to participate in the immunisation program will be receiving their Human Papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) and Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine (dTpa) on Wednesday 5 June (Week 8).

Year 11 Spectators – AIC Cross Country Championship

This Wednesday 29 May, our Year 11 students will be joining our Cross Country team at Curlew Park, Shorncliffe for the annual AIC Cross Country Championship. This is a compulsory College event for all Year 11 students.


All Year 11 students (excluding those in the Cross Country squad) will be required to meet at the grandstand at 8:35 am for departure by bus to the event. Students must wear full Winter uniform including formal hat and blazer. Students who are unable to meet the College uniform and grooming standards will not be attending.


Students will be required to bring their lunch with them. Boarders will be supplied with a lunch bag for the day. Please ensure your son brings a water bottle and sunscreen.


If students need to bring a bag, please ensure it is a small Marist bag. We are encouraging students to leave bags at home or in their locker. Normal school rules apply around the use of mobile phones. It is expected that students will return to school in time to access their lockers.


AIC have advised that spectators may be in the background of photographic images/video used for AIC social media/media purposes. If you do not give consent, please email Student Admin (studentadmin@marash.qld.edu.au).

Lost Property

Please ensure all items belonging to your son are clearly named with your son’s full name. We have 1700 students attending the College, items with student initials; first name only; or un-named make it very hard to re-unite with the owner.


Any un-named items are put in boxes outside Student Administration. If you are looking for an un-named item, please ask your son to check here.


Thank you for your co-operation.

Saturday Sport Photos

This Saturday the remaining Football and Rugby Union photos will be taken. Photos will be taken in the Science Centre Foyer. 


Teams must be in CORRECT TEAM WEAR. All students must meet the college's personal grooming standards to be included in the photos.


Check the College APP later in the week for the full schedule.