Learning and Teaching News

Ms Jen Smeed and Mrs Roxanne Rosenberg

Da Vinci Decathlon Challenge 

The 2024 DaVinci Decathlon was held at Nudgee College last week and Marist was fortunate enough to be able to put forward 7 teams. 46 Queensland schools were involved in the event with 52 teams competing each day. A total of 1,248 students participated in the da Vinci Decathlon this year. Congratulations to all Marist Men who participated and who were acknowledged for their efforts across the ten disciplines.    


The Decathlon celebrates the academic gifts of high-potential students by providing a stimulating and challenging competition run in the spirit of an Olympic Decathlon. Our boys competed in year level teams across ten disciplines – Engineering, Mathematics, Code Breaking, Art and Poetry, Science, English, Ideation, Creative Producers, Cartography, and Legacy. 


The Marist Community should be very proud of the following young men who participated in the 2024 DaVinci Decathlon.  It was a team effort and all boys performed admirably.  


The young men who participated this year in Davinci are as follows:

 Year 5` Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 

Perry Ballinger 

Joseph Byrne 

Hamish Donnelly 

Jack Felix 

Charlie Maclean 


Puzey-Reitmayer Harmon Sidhu 

Ruben Vos           

Danny Carey  

Seb Cominski     

Lucas Crowley    

Patrick Hambleton Max King  

Harry Maher   

Harry McConnell 

Will Minahan     


Nicolas Cienfuegos 

Matthew Davies 

Frankie Hain 

Xavier Hill 

Tristan Krueger 

Isaac Ruffini 

Noah Watherston 

Ethan Wu 

Tom Corby     

Rei Dehamel  

Teo Dehamel 

James Doolan 

George Henderson 

Will Marshall 

Aarav Patel 

Henry Walker 

Lucas Weigl 

Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 

Connor Campbell 

Jeremy Harvey 

Joshua Jones 

Jack Liddell 

Thomas Masel 

Joseph Niere 

Will Stigter 

Thomas Stute 

Aiden Agnew  

James Dee 

Harper Frazier 

Luke Garvey  

Alessander Javier 

Matthew Stower 

Daniel Thirgood 

Fletcher Wessling 

Tom Gahan 

Ben Mead 

Aidan Phillips 

Jordan Pratt 

Matthew Rowston 

Elliot Schanzl 

Francis Schutt 

Lachlan Vink 

Andrew Woodward 

Team Marist placed in the following disciplines in their respective age category and should be very proud of their efforts.  


Year 5           Second Place       Engineering 

Year 6           Third Place            Code Breaking 

Year 8           Second Place       Ideation 

Year 11         First Place             Ideation 

Year 11         Third Place           Cartography. 


Thank you to these Marist Men for representing your college so admirably. Thank you to the staff who also accompanied these groups, led by Ms Melissa Deacon. 



Year 11 English and Literature  

Currently, Year 11 Students are writing post-apocalyptic stories. It’s a tricky genre to do well – to imagine an end-of-the-world scenario whilst also developing a dynamic character and crafting a compelling complication that leads to an emotional punch at the end, all in 1000 words. Still, the classes are enjoying the challenge! '


To complement their studies, on Friday night, Year 11 English and Literature students were invited to an exclusive viewing of the latest instalment of the Mad Max saga – Mad Max Furiosa – at Newmarket cinema. Year 11 Literature students will be using Mad Max: Fury Road as an inspiration text for their creative re-interpretations so a worthy experience for them as well.  It was a great night, with plenty of writing inspiration on show. My thanks for Mr Adam Knight and Mr Luke Grimish for helping on the night and Miss Kathryn Badini, Acting Curriculum Leader – English, Literature and Languages, for organising this valuable experience.  


Parent Webinar Sessions 


Year 10 and 11, 2025 Subject Information Night 

Year 10 and 11, 2025 subject information night is being held tonight, Tuesday 28 May in the Champagnat Centre.  All students should attend this event with a parent/carer in full school uniform. Information regarding this evening has been emailed to parents of current Year 9 and 10 students.  

Year 11 Subject Changes  

Any consideration of Year 11 subject changes must be discussed with the Academic Care Team first. Any changes to Year 11 subjects must be completed by Wednesday the 5th Of June (Week 8). 

Year 12 Academic Interviews 

Academic Interviews for each Year 12 student commenced last Thursday. These interviews are an important part of each boy’s academic journey where discussion around their performance and progress will occur. If you have not booked or you have concerns, please email leea@marash.qld.edu.au   

Year 7-10 End of Semester Exam Block 

The exam block schedule was released to students and parents on Friday last week.  It is important that students make note of when there are exams are on and plan their study accordingly.  Throughout ASH lessons, boys have been provided strategies for Homework and Exam prep. They should be trying these strategies to prepare themselves to achieve success. 


The Exam Block for Years 7-10 will be held from 7th to 13th of June. We are not able to sit exams prior to these dates for integrity reasons. It is expected that all students will be present for the entirety of this important assessment period.  


If you are absent during exam block a medical certificate is required. Please contact curriculum@marash.qld.edu.au for the relevant paperwork. Please note that once students return to school, they will be expected to make up this assessment as soon as possible. 

Examination and Study Requirements and Examination Block  

As we approach the assessment period, our boys are reminded of the study requirements which is expected for students to lead to academic success. Below outlines the minimum expectations for homework, revision, and study across Years 7-12: 


Year 7: 60-80 minutes 

Year 8: 60-90 minutes  

Year 9: 90-120 minutes  

Year 10: 120-150 minutes  

Year 11 and 12: 180-240 minutes.  

Year 9 Performance and Pathway Conversations  

Last week during Year Level Assembly, our Year 9 students about pathway planning and subject offerings in Year 10. Here are some key dates for our Year 9 students:  

Term 2: Week 7 – Tuesday 28th May: Subject Information Evening  

Term 3: Week 1 – Wednesday 10th July: Subject Selection Platform opens  

Term 3: Week 3-5: Pathway and Performance Interviews (parents welcome) to select subjects for Year 10.  


More information will be provided to students via the Academic Care Team early in Term 3. 

Study Tip


Old Boys Maths Tutoring  

It is wonderful that we are able to continue to offer Maths tutoring every morning in Room 402 from 7:40am-8:30am.  We have a wonderful group of Old Boys who return each morning to support our boys with their Maths. Any boy from Years 7-12 is welcome to attend. 

School Tutoring Opportunities  

Tutoring is available for all students, and outlined below are faculties where you can receive assistance: 






Every morning 




Tuesday & Thursday 


Science Foyer 



3:30pm - 4:30pm 

Art rooms 


Every morning 



*Other faculties by appointment with the classroom teacher.  

Old Boys Tutoring List 

Please find here a list of Old Boys who are available to tutor your son outside of school hours.  This list can also be located on the parent portal or via this link.Please note it is the parent’s responsibility to organise and liaise tutoring times with the Old Boys.  

Year 12 Night Study Sessions    

The Night Study Sessions are weekly study times available to Year 12 students who wish to work in collaboration with their peers for assessment, complete revision, revisit classwork or work on external exam preparation.


When: Every Wednesday during term time from 5:00pm-8:00pm

Where: Senior Library

Who: 2024 Year 12s only


  • Current ID card is to be presented on arrival    
  • All students must sign in and out of the library    
  • All standard library rules are to be followed (including no eating)    
  • Normal student behaviour expectations apply; if these cannot be met, boys will be prohibited from returning to future sessions    
  • Students are free to wear full College uniform or plain clothes    
  • Students are free to arrive and leave as they see fit. Supervision is only provided in the library between 5:00pm-8:00pm.    
  • Students are to be in the library only. This is not a time for sport or social gatherings.

A librarian will be on duty from 5-8 pm to assist if required; however, these are not tutoring sessions.