From Your P&F

Parents of Neurodiverse Learners

The Parents of Neurodiverse Learners Group are having a dinner meet-up on Saturday 8 June from 6:00pm.  Contact Michelle Lawson via the Marist Parents and Carers Facebook page, or email to, to join the Parents of Neurodiverse Learners Group and RSVP for the dinner.

Sports Canteens - SUPER Saturday 1 June

It was a very quiet morning for the canteen on Saturday 25 May, covering a small set of home games. Thank you to each of these people for coming out to make sure the usual offerings were available at the Flats for our home and away teams: Lou Bennett, Janice Lee, Angela Wood


SUPER Saturday is this weekend. This is our biggest day in the canteen, serving customers from 7:00am - 5:00pm with all the best offerings our Marist canteens are known for. It will take 50+ volunteers to keep the food and coffee flowing to keep everyone smiling across the day. If you are looking for that one special Saturday to volunteer - this is the one!


Come and join us for some great company, and watch how fast an hour can pass. Please put your name into the Signup as early in the week as you can. This helps with logistics for the day.



