Teaching and Learning


It is that time of year again when teachers are starting to think about writing reports and students are completing some assessments. In response to the feedback from families at the end of 2023 in our reporting survey, we have made some changes to the way our semester reports are presented at Miners Rest Primary School. All feedback was valued and considered carefully when making these changes and we hope that as a result we are able to provide clear, insightful and personalised semester reports for every child.


As you will have noticed in the Term One Learning Statements, each student has input into their own report in the form of a student comment. This is a response to a prompt that allows students to reflect on their term or semester. These comments will also feature in our semester reports. 


We are also excited to share that every child will receive a comment from each one of their specialist teachers in the curriculum areas of Music, Science, P.E and Visual Arts in the semester reports. This was overwhelmingly the most common piece of feedback we received from the survey!


Semester reports are due to be distributed to families in the last week of term via the Sentral portal and email. Please see the school office if you do not currently have Sentral set up or if you think you may need to update your email address. 


Kyra Ives

Learning Specialist