Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Harmony R

For showing kindness by helping to tidy the classroom (Rick D3)

Isla H

For getting herself set up for success each morning (Holly D4)

Chloe M

For being a kind friend to everyone at all times!! (Miss Hannah D5)

Penny D

For persevering with her reading and moving up a level (Miss Woodfield/Miss Kennedy M1)

Sophie McK

For persevering and being committed to her reading (Miss Woodfield/Miss Kennedy M1)

Mason H-R

For trying new things at gymnastics (Mrs Brown M2)

Evelyn H

For working hard during writing time to improve her spelling. Well done! (Jaymie M5)


Outstanding Achievers

Isla J

For an amazing start to her time at MRPS. She has formed friendships within the classroom and is a positive member of B1. Well done, Isla! (Lauren B1)

Ava A

For being motivated to revise and improve her work (Jessica B5)

Riley J

For always trying your best (Mr C S1)

William S

For being a super supportive team member on camp (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Indi G

For her ability to help organise special events around our school and continue to strive to be her best in the classroom. Well done, Indi. Our school is lucky to have such a committed School Captain! (Rebecca S3) 

Misty P

For challenging herself on camp and always willing to show courage when completing the outdoor task. Particularly the abseiling and giant swing (Mr Bell S4)



Braxton J S3

For being an excellent peer leader in PE and assisting the Year One/Two children experience success with their football skills! (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)

Braxton H S3

For aiding and assisting younger students during PE and being an amazing mentor when they were practising their footy skills! (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)


For working together so well during our investigation (Mr Brown STEM)