Performing Arts

Music News with Mrs Duke

Last Friday the newly formed Miners Rest Singing Group gave their first performance at assembly. I thought they did an admirable job and felt quite proud, considering several students told me they were very nervous. We are looking forward to adding new songs to our repertoire starting this Thursday at lunch time. There is still plenty of room if your child would like to join in, it is for all students in Years 3 to 6.


Foundation students have also been learning lots of new songs this term with a theme called 'Make Believe'. With lots of pretend play we are learning how to make up new movements and lyrics to songs - our Foundation students can be quite creative! I'm sure some students will give you an entertaining version of Milkshake if you ask them.


In our ship on the high seas, 'Arrgh, me hearties'
In our ship on the high seas, 'Arrgh, me hearties'


Our Year 1/2 students have been singing and playing instruments along to our 'Down on the Ground' theme. While looking at different animals and creatures we find in our backyard (or maybe in someone else's backyard) we have sung and moved to lots of different tempo's and have practiced keeping a steady beat. 

Sunflowers and Bunnies
Bees ready to leave the hive
Sunflowers and Bunnies
Bees ready to leave the hive


In Year 3/4 we have been expanding our knowledge of different instruments and their family. We have looked at the clarinet, flute, cello, trumpet and have many more to come. Students have also been developing their rhythm reading skills and demonstrating their own rhythmic compositions to the class, it's been great to see everyone get up and perform. 


The 5/6 students have been enlightening their classmates by choosing a music genre and sharing some key facts about it. We have been listening to some examples of each genre and discussing the qualities that define them. The 5/6 classes have also started playing the ukulele as a group, learning a chord or two and practicing picking the strings. They sound good already! A couple more chords to learn and "Voilà!" pop songs here we come!