Japanese News

Term 2 has been amazing and I’m so proud of all the effort many students have put into their Japanese learning, from Foundation to Year 6! It’s been great to see so many positive attitudes and growth mindsets when trying new or difficult things.


Foundation have smashed through counting to ten in Japanese and have been learning all about naming parts of their bodies. They are super speedy at singing atama, kata, hiza, ashi (heads, shoulders, knees and... feet) now!


The 1/2 unit have crafted the beautiful weather windows currently on display in the Spielvogel. Make sure you check them out before winter truly takes hold and all we see through our windows is ame (rain)! 


Year 3/4 had some brave superstars step forward to perform their self-introductions with a partner at assembly! They did an amazing job, and I can’t wait to hear more Japanese conversations from everyone. They’re now developing menus for their own Japanese restaurants and I’m loving the creativity that has gone into them.


Year 5/6 are also letting their creative sides loose as they research Japanese festivals and celebration days. They have been given the freedom to choose their method of presentation for all the information they find, and we have everything from posters, sculptures, and dioramas to videos, woodwork, and Minecraft worlds! I’m excited to see their finished products and applaud them for their independence during this task.


Term 3 is fast approaching and with it comes the excitement of Japanese Day. I’ve started my wish list of activities and events that are within our reach with funds raised thus far via Voluntary Contributions. I am expecting it to be a great day! 


Voluntary Curriculum contributions for Japanese Day is open until last day of term. See newsletter for full details.