VCE-Product Design & Technology

In VCE-Product Design and Technologies (PD&T), design thinking is an approach used throughout the study that enables divergent and convergent strategies to occur.
Convergent thinking is where one focuses on reaching an easily accepted solution to a problem. This type of thinking is logic as opposed to creativity, where you know there are no other possible solutions.
Divergent thinking is the thought process used to generate varied and creative ideas by exploring as many solutions as possible. It occurs in a spontaneous, free-flowing, manner, where many ideas and possibilities are generated.
A product concept is an idea that is not yet necessarily in production yet, or may be a variation of an existing item. The PD&T class have been working through physical products concepts which involved prototyping.
The Design Process supports students to engage in design thinking. The Double Diamond approach is used to apply design thinking when creating an intentionally designed product. Each ‘diamond’ is overlaid with both divergent (creative) and convergent (critical) thinking activities.
Our students generate, refine and create three-dimensional prototypes, and test elements of the proposed item until a final proof of concept is achieved and before the actual mass production can occur.
Prototyping helps by testing out our product concepts prior to implementation and production by experimenting and testing in a ‘physical’ capacity. The concept becomes a final proof of concept, called a working model(s) and/or scaled sample(s).
In VCE Product Design and Technologies, students design and make three-dimensional products using a range of materials, tools and processes as shown. Can you see the difference in our convergent and divergent coat hanger or shoe models?
Mrs Amanda Hard