Director of Learning & Teaching

Semester One Exams
Semester One exams will take place for students in Years 9-11 across Thursday 13th June to Friday 21st June. Timetables and revision booklets will be put onto the SIMON platform from Monday 3rd June.
Our Year 10 and 11 students will be familiar with the expectations of exams, however for our Year 9 students this is a new challenge. Preparing for exams requires organisation and a commitment to undertaking additional study out of school time. Some tips to help include:
▪️ Creating a revision timetable to complement family, sport and part time work
▪️ Using colour coding of notes and mind maps.
▪️ Having a quiet space to study.
▪️ Using the help available – always ask your teacher for clarification of a concept.
▪️ Attend lunchtime and after school support.
▪️ Taking regular breaks – our brains can only take so much information at a time.
▪️ Making sure you have the correct equipment – pens, grey lead pencils, eraser, ruler and highlighters.
The AI Generation
For educators and parents Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is now here to stay. The use of these new and upcoming technologies will now start to define the way that our young people learn and respond to a variety of different types of stimuli, learning and ultimately assessment tasks.
At St Mary’s College we acknowledge that our students’ use of GenAI is growing, but how do we ensure that GenAI is used to complement and assist our student’s creativity and thought processes, rather than just be used as a tool for a quick fix to complete a research piece in class or assessment task which is near to the due date? This is the challenge that we are taking a practical and flexible approach to as educators. The skills of correct referencing, acknowledgement of credible sources and critical analysis of articles are being developed across curriculum areas.
Students may be advised of how GenAI could be used to support the skills used to complete an assessment piece or research task as opposed to banning its use completely. Students will be advised of the expectations of authentication of work submitted. This also assists all students in being prepared for the authentication requirements of VCE and VCE VM tasks and outcomes.
Teachers will be involved in the preparation of a policy document that will take on board advice from MACS and educational professionals with regard to the use of GenAI.
Our aim is to equip our students with the skills and knowledge that they will need to be successful and engaged, lifelong learners.
Mrs Julia Wood