Student Awards

School Values Award


The School Values Award this week was presented to Ben R of 2H

for demonstrating kindness and integrity.

Student of the Week Awards

Mon 13th MayStudent NameFor...
FMMyles L

Doing wonderful sounding out and learning his Heart words! 


Jasper L

Nylah Q

Being a kind and caring friend to all.

Working hard at learning her heart words.

1KHarry L

Doing a great job showing your understanding of partitioning strategy for addition. You are a Maths whizz. Well done Harry!

1MAmelia D

Doing such an amazing job blending her digraphs into her reading. Superstar!


Josh A


Livy G

Making excellent choices in the classroom and during play time. Well done on being respectful and responsible Josh!

Being super helpful around the classroom and being an excellent role model to others. Well done Livy!

2/3QDouglas H

Being a great classroom helper and contributor. You try your best to uphold POPS values. Well done.

2/3QVictor C

Always persevering through challenging tasks and being a respectful class member. Well done!

3GJosh D

Showing resilience through challenges and being an awesome friends to others.

3OAlexander V

Showing empathy towards others and displaying kindness.

4DHarry C

Contributing to classroom discussions with insightful thoughts and ideas. Well done!

4PZachary V

Being a kind and considerate classmate by helping others without being asked. Well done Zachary.

5ICharlotte A

Being well prepared when giving her informative speech to the class about her Anzac project. We loved hearing about how you are germinating poppies. 

5YJames S

His enthusiasm in the classroom, particularly during Maths and Library this week. Keep up the amazing work!

5/6MThomas B

Always showing the school values of excellence and kindness, and helping his peers. Keep it up! 

6DToby B

Showing excellence inside and outside the classroom by being a wonderful role model.

6MImogen D

Showing excellence in her approach to maths tasks this week and continuing to challenge herself.

ArtJuliette D

Her beautiful quilling design.

MandarinFrederic C

His attentive listening and enthusiastic participation in the Mandarin class. 

PAEverly S

Confidently performing a drama act to her grade on the stage. Well done Everly!

ScienceWilliam R

Being an enthusiastic and inquisitive participant in our investigations during Science.