Wellbeing & Thrive

Leadership Begins Here

The PBL Focus for the Week - Care for your Appearance & the School Environment

The Leader in Me Focus for the Week - Be Proactive


Wearing your School Uniform with Pride

All students should now be wearing full school winter uniform to school.


Girls Winter Uniform

Green Checked Tunic

White long sleeved blouse

Long black socks or black tights

Holy Family Bottle green woollen jumper, track top, spray jacket

Green scarf/gloves

Black leather school shoes


Boys Winter Uniform

Grey Shorts

White button up shirt

Holy Family School Tie

Long Grey Holy Family Socks (with stripe at top)

Holy Family Bottle green woollen jumper, track top, spray jacket

Black leather school shoes


Sport Uniform (unisex)

Holy Family Tracksuit (Top/bottoms)

Holy Family sports shirt

Holy Family sport shorts

Sneakers with white 3/4 crew socks (with or without green stripe)


  • Each class has certain days to wear their uniforms please check class curriculum letters or Seniors Student Diary's for information. 
  • All long hair below the collar should be tied up, with appropriate school colours.  
  • No nail polish/ colourful jewellery is permitted at school.

Caring for our School Environment

Part of our PBL/LIM focus for this week is caring for our environment at school.

A huge effort has gone into making our school look amazing and an inviting place.


As a school we ask that our students take responsibility for all their belongings and put their rubbish in the bins, packing away school equipment and keeping our classrooms and library neat and tidy.


Home Hints - Kids take responsibility!

  • Have simple chores for your child to do
  • Have children pick up their own toys
  • Keeping their own bedrooms tidy
  • Keep items off the floor/ rubbish in the bins
  • If you use something put it away when you are finished



Athletics Carnival, Bannockburn Oval, Pymble Friday 7th June.


Students please be at school at 8:30am. Please sit in the hall in class lines for teachers to mark the roll & write student's numbers. School bags are to be brought into the hall with a packed recess and lunch for the day as well as plenty of water to stay hydrated. Full sport uniform with runners, hat and sunscreen applied before and during the day. Students may wear their house colour shirt and accessories to support their house spirit. 

Buses leave at 8:40am SHARP don’t be late as the bus cannot wait!

Please see the below scheduled for you the day. Parents/Careers are welcome to come and support but keep in mind these are approximate times and we recommend Parents/Careers to come for the whole day to ensure that they are there at the desired time.


Kindy & Year 1 Rotate through: Egg & Spoon Races, Parachute, Baton Relay Races & 70m Sack Races

Years 2-6 (8-12/13yrs) Rotate through: 800m, Long Jump, Discus, Shot Put, 200m & 100m races.


Timetable of the Day





8:40 sharp buses leave

Students arrive and go straight to MacKillop Hall 

Teachers mark the roll & put number on students' hand before boarding 

9:00-9:30Arrive at Bannockburn Oval & Opening - Information about the day and facilities. Students sit in their house colours
9:30-10:00Rotation 1: Year 2-6 open 800m races for 8yrs-12/13yrs only 

Rotation 1: Kindy/Year 1 students 

(make sure they start before the 800m races) 


Rotation 2: Year 2-6

Rotation 2: Kindy/Year 1 students 


Rotation 3: Year 2-6

Rotation 3: Kindy/Year 1 students


Rotation 4: Year 2-6

Rotation 4: Kindy/Year 1 students


Rotation 5: Year 2-6

Rotation 5: Kindy/Year 1 students get on the bus that leaves @ 12:30 pm for lunch at school

12:20-12:55Rotation 6: Year 2-6 100m Races for 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Boys and Girls 
12:55-1:25100m final races (if time permits otherwise clean-up & board the bus to leave at 1:30 pm SHARP)








Language & Literature Day - Learner Diversity

Some of our most talented writers had the opportunity to participate in the 'Gateways Language & Literature Day' at Corpus Christi, St Ives.


Well done to ~ Boris, Jaslyn, Allison, Leyla, and Noah!


Opening up gateways to our talents, passions and more. 


G.A.T.E.WAYS was truly a fantastic event where I got to meet other similarly-minded students that shared the same burning passions that I did. We immediately connected as if we were long lost friends - it was like we were all speaking the same language (and I don’t mean English!) 


Today was a whole day focused on Language and Literature (which was quite literally a dream come true for me!). At Corpus Christi in St Ives, we explored different aspects of Comedy, Tragedy, and the metaphorical fine line in between. For the first half of the day, we learned all about writing a good joke - which is, surprisingly, very difficult. We had Martin Chatterton as a presenter - Martin is a professional writer, illustrator, animator and cartoonist, and in fact we have some of his books in our school library! He was very funny and introduced us to comedy in an engaging way. He also showed us that in tragedy, there can also be comedy - take slipping on a banana peel for example. That’s a simple but comically hilarious scene - but really, what is so funny about a person with the misfortune of slipping on litter and possibly injuring themselves? Yet when we see it, we still unconsciously laugh out loud. Martin also presented a variety of different comedy styles, ending with a brain-racking challenge: to write a good joke. 


After a quick lunch break, our second half was all about tragedy. With our fantastic presenter, Michelle Emsley, we had the opportunity to analyse some Shakespeare texts, such as Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and more. I discovered that even though a happy ending isn’t possible in tragedies, a lot of clues hint at that along that way! Michelle showed us the basics of foreshadowing and how to predict the correct ending - and she also taught us to watch out for the occasional red herring. 


G.A.T.E.WAYS was such an amazing experience where I got to meet new people from different schools and explore my passions and interests in writing literature.  


Thank you to Mrs Dickerson for organising this fabulous opportunity. 



Have a safe and happy weekend

Melissa Overton   

Wellbeing Coordinator