Athletics Carnival

Tuesday 28th May 

Miss Bríd Claffey

Winning House

Congratulations to Mackillop who were the winning house for 2024! Well done to all the children for representing your House so fantastically. Commiserations to Padua and Nagle who followed closely behind. 

Age Champions

We awarded our Age Champions from Kindergarten right up to Year 6 this year. Congratulations to Max, Lara, West, Harley, Mitchell, Luella, James, Chloe, Ethan, Mirabel, Sam, Charlotte, Ruaridh and Charli! 

We are looking forward to seeing who will be our Age Champions for the Swimming Carnival in Term 4. 

Thank You


I want to sincerely thank all of the amazing parents that were able to lend a hand on Carnival day.  From set up, sound, starters and marshallers to time keepers and field officials, the day would not have been such a great success with out you all. I greatly appreciate you all for giving up your own time to help out. Thank you so much to the wonderful staff that I am lucky to have supporting me all of the time but in particular on the Carnival day.  


Coming up...

I am looking forward to the many events ahead in Semester 2, the main one being the Swimming Carnival in December.  I will again be looking for parent volunteers closer to the time with more information to follow next semester....


Children who have qualified for the next stage in Athletics will be informed in the coming weeks of their events they have been nominated for and the information will be sent home to parents along with a consent form to fill out. 


Is mise le meas,

Miss Bríd Claffey