Principal's Message

Athletics Carnival 2024
Last week at St. Anthony's, we had an exhilarating time kicking off our Annual Athletics Carnival. The event took place on a perfect autumn day at Hensley Athletic Field, adding to the enjoyment and excitement of the festivities.
A huge THANK YOU to Brid Claffey, our Physical Education teacher, for organising such a fantastic event. A day like this wouldn't be possible without the support and help of all our staff and parents. We rely on parent volunteers to assist the staff in running various events for our students, so we extend a heartfelt thank you for your dedication and time. Your contribution is invaluable.
Of course, a massive thank you to EVERY member of staff for making the day so wonderful. Our students had a great time and many went home beaming with ribbons! Congratulations to each and every student for your efforts on the day.
Acknowledging National Reconciliation Week
On Friday, 31 May, our Year 6 students had the opportunity to commemorate National Reconciliation Week by witnessing the sands of Coogee Beach come to life during the Koojay Corroboree. This vibrant event featured performances by Aboriginal dancers, bringing the rich cultural traditions and stories of the Aboriginal people to the forefront.
National Reconciliation Week is a significant time for all Australians. It allows us to reflect on and learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements. It also encourages us to explore how each of us can contribute to the national reconciliation effort and take meaningful action towards creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships.
The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2024, "Now More Than Ever," serves as a reminder that the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must continue with unwavering commitment.
Public Speaking Semi-Finals: A Showcase of Talent
Last week, our school had the pleasure of attending the Botany Randwick Public Speaking Semi-Finals at STMM Randwick North. Gregory Moutopoulos and Bianca Benic represented STA, delivering outstanding performances that made us all proud.
Public speaking is an invaluable skill that benefits children in numerous ways, including:
- building confidence and self-esteem
- enhancing communication and social skills
- teaching quick thinking
- developing valuable life skills
Congratulations to Gregory and Bianca for their fantastic efforts, and thank you to everyone who supported them. Let's continue to encourage and nurture the growth of these essential skills in our students.
Semester 1 Reports
The Semester One report refers to the first half of the year’s teaching and learning and subsequently the end-of-year report refers to the second half of the year (ie. first semester of learning, second semester of learning).
Each year introduces different concepts, content units and skills etc. which can increase in difficulty from the year before. It is therefore possible that your child’s achievement level in a particular Key Learning Area may change.
There are many assessments undertaken, work samples examined, observations made and needs discussed. In Week 9, teachers will be having parent/teacher/student conferences to support, discuss and complement these reports, affirm your child’s learning and to give direction/ focus for future learning. Together the school and you form an important partnership. This partnership supports your children in reaching their potential so that home and school are united in their approach.
Many thanks to our dedicated teachers for always making themselves available to you. Our teachers here at St Anthony's are a truly gifted team of Educators. They themselves are committed learners who strive to provide quality education for our students. The role of the teacher is never easy, it is a challenge but it is without doubt one of the most rewarding careers. Teachers not only work with the children who are our future, but are part of the Church’s mission in passing on our Gospel values. The commitment, passion and care our teachers and staff bring to their vital role is what helps make our school so great.
Invitation to Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
I warmly invite parents and carers to meet with St Anthony's classroom teachers and participate in Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences about their child's Semester 1 2024 academic progress and learning attitudes from Monday to Wednesday 24 - 26 June. Times are available before and after school during these days and Wednesday 26 June times will be provided into the evening. Information has been sent home via Compass regarding the online booking of parent/teacher interviews which will be held in Week 9. We look forward to meeting with you in the Semester 1 Conferences.
Tell Them From Me (TTFM)
We are inviting students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Anthony's Clovelly.
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below:
Child Safe Communities (Child Protection)Volunteer Induction
In preparation for St Anthony's Feast Day and other events at St Anthony's any parents who would wish to volunteer their time this year, who have not already attended a Volunteer Induction need to attend on one of the following dates:
Thursday, 6 June at 7pm (ONLINE VIA ZOOM)
To join the zoom, go to this link:
Friday, 7 June at 2.30pm (FACE TO FACE IN CAPA ROOM)
2024 Staff Development Days (Pupil Free Days)
Each year, Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) provides time for Staff Development Days (SDD) so that staff can work collaboratively and continue to provide high-quality learning opportunities for your child. With the introduction of the new English and Mathematics Syllabus’ in 2023 (K-2) and 2024 (Yr 3-6), as well as the implementation of other new syllabi within the next two years.
SCECS will provide care on the day for those families who make a booking. Click on the link below to register.
Friday 5 July (Term 2 Week 10)
Kids Giving Back
Congratulations to Lilliane Giese, Penny Williams & Elsa Callum who volunteered work during the first term and the April school holidays. These superstars were part of a crew of 930 young legends who helped provide over 6,500 meals, snack packs, and care packages and wrote heartfelt messages to support 15 charities across Sydney.
These students showed incredible leadership, compassion, and a real drive to give back to the community. They totally embody that generous spirit, and it's a credit to the values your school instils in them.
Week 4 & 5 Assembly - Congratulations to the award recipients!
Yours in Partnership
Anna Novak