Principal's Report

Dear families,



On Monday staff participated in a professional learning session with Danny Hyndman around reading. Topics included Reader’s Notebooks, Book Clubs, Mesmer, differentiated small group work, text selection and Book Talks. Staff found the day very informative and enjoyed the opportunity to have discussions around student learning with their colleagues.  

As a way of engaging students in reading and facilitating our Book Clubs we have placed an order for several new texts to add to our bank of books available for children to read. 



Currently staff are collecting data to inform their report writing which is fast approaching. This year reports will be sent home electronically via XUNO. Parents will then be able to access these reports on an ongoing basis. 



A big congratulations to those students who have progressed past District and on to Zone Cross Country. To qualify students, need to be placed within the first 15 over the line. Mia H, Rachael J and Jacob R.



Foundation students have been busy learning the sounds of the alphabet. Today they did their first dictation passage to test their knowledge with great success. I am proud to say I could read everyone’s sentence. 

Have a lovely weekend, 


Regards Heather