Principal's Message

From the Desk of Kathy Nott - Term 2, Week 6

Good morning Parents/Carers,


We are now past the halfway mark for Term 2.  All students are settled and learning which is great to see.


Over & Above Awards

So many Over & Above Awards were distributed to our students last week.  Congratulations to those who continue to go Over & Above with their learning and following the school values.  Keep up the good work.


Winter Uniforms

With the cooler weather upon us we are starting to see students rugging up in their winter uniform.  Please ensure that your child's name is on jumpers and trackpants to ensure that if the day gets warmer and they take these items off they can be returned to them.  Our lost property box becomes quite full in the winter months so if your child does happen to leave their jumper or trackpants somewhere they can find them if they have their name on them.  Jumpers and trackpants are available for sale from the school office.  You are welcome to come in anytime between 8:30am and 3:30pm Monday to Friday to purchase.


Winter Illnesses

As reported last week, cases of Covid, RSV, Influenza A&B and Gastroenteritis are on the rise.  Please ensure that if your child has symptoms of any of these contagious illnesses that they stay home until symptoms have resolved.  Vomiting and Diarrhea symptoms must not return until 48hours after the last episode.  


NENW Soccer Trials

Ashton, Dominic D, Haidee, Jack, James, Kaeden, Lachy, Lebron, Rubi and Tahlia will be competing for a spot on the NENW Soccer team in Tamworth tomorrow and Thursday.  We wish you all the best and look forward to hearing about your experience.


School Athletics Carnival

We will be holding our Annual School Athletics Carnival on Friday 28th June at David Taylor Oval.  More information will be sent home this week.


Parent/Teacher Interviews

Our teachers will be holding Parent/Teacher Interviews in Week 9 (Monday 24th - Thursday 27th and Week 10 (Monday 1st July - Wednesday 3 July).  Notes were sent home yesterday.  If you would like to have a Parent/Teacher Interview with your child's teacher, please fill in the note and advise three preferred times that you will be available.  Our teachers will do their best to accommodate the best possible time available.  



The canteen has now been operating for the past two Fridays and it is great to see so many families supporting its return.  Children are very happy to see its return.


Kind regards


Kathy Nott
