Performing Arts

Senior Ensemble
It has been a busy conclusion to the semester with a variety of performances and every corner of the BPAC being used for lessons and rehearsals.
The Senior Ensemble Evening was a feast of music, featuring a wide variety of styles from a large number of ensembles. Our auditioned ensembles, with increased instrumentation and two new ensembles, highlighted the talent of our musicians and gave the opportunity to challenge our most capable students. Szforzando, Forte, Senior Stage Band, Cantabile and Camerata all entertained the audience and made the most of this opportunity to perform in a small ensemble.
The Middle Years and Senior Vocal Ensembles shared their skills and engaged all in the messages of their songs. Sinfonia, Senior Concert Band and Senior Choir also performed at a high standard, demonstrating unity and community. The results of much hard work undertaken by these large ensembles at Music Camp was evident.
Our senior ensembles are now preparing for Music Assembly and Term 3’s Gala Concert.
Junior Ensemble
The Junior Ensemble Evening is also a highlight of the Performing Arts calendar. This concert features our Junior School ensembles and choirs, after a semester of rehearsals. This was the debut concert for our Year 3 students performing in both Andante and Cherub Choir, performing with so much confidence for young students. Cabaletta were also highly entertaining, and both Ostinato and Malaguena showed their continuing development as string ensemble musicians. The Junior Orchestra gave an excellent opportunity for both Malaguena and Junior Concert Band to combine in a different instrument combination and sound. The Junior Concert Band showed that they have come a long way since the Year 5 Instrumental Program, and have developed that ‘band’ sound, whilst entertaining the audience with their selections.
Vivace filled the stage with every size of tuned percussion and the choirs and Junior Vocal Ensemble engaged with their usual flair. The large size of all the ensembles and the crowd that filled the LMC auditorium shows that music is important in the lives of school families and creates strong community. The concert concluded with the combined choirs, sharing messages of unity and being a light to our world.
Musical Productions
The Senior Production rehearsals for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory are full steam ahead and tickets are now on sale. This promises to be a quality and highly engaging production, so get your tickets now so that you don’t miss out.
Click on the image below to book now.
The Junior Production of Disney's Finding Nemo Jr has commenced rehearsals and next term will see it really come to life as the whole of the Junior School works towards this performance.
Concert for Cancer
The Senior Vocal Ensemble will be performing at a concert to raise funds for the Cancer Council on Saturday 20 July at the Ringwood Salvation Army, commencing at 7.30pm. Our singers will be performing a variety of music, sharing the program with a world-renowned trombone player and the Ringwood Salvation Army Brass Band. Tickets are available on Trybooking.
Jeffrey Clarke
Head of Performing Arts