From the Principal

Dear Friends,


The end of the semester is upon us, and I think our College community is breathing a collective sigh of relief in anticipation of the break from what has been a very demanding term. We hope families enjoy the opportunity for a time of refreshment and preparation for the second half of the year. 


Last week, we were delighted to announce the appointment of Michael Bond as the next College Principal. Michael has previously worked at Oxley as a teacher in the Junior School and has since held Principal roles in two other Christian Schools. I am sure he will enjoy his time at Oxley and the warm support of our College community.            


We have also recently announced that Andrew Holland will resign as Business Manager to seek other opportunities to broaden his experience. The College is extremely grateful for Andrew’s contribution over 10 years in this role and wishes him well for the future. We will welcome Jin Ai Tan into the role early next term, and hopefully have a smooth transition for her under Andrew’s guidance. The College also bids farewell to Robyn Holland and Philip Talapati from the staff at the end of the term. We are grateful for their extensive service to Oxley and wish them every blessing in their new season of life.


I want to acknowledge and thank our College staff on behalf of the Oxley community, for the additional efforts involved in our high-quality co-curricular activities. Some of these are simply compliance issues, but others bring great delight and appreciation. I refer to the Performing Arts events, the many excursions and camps, our College support for Amari, and our commitments to the regional associations' sports events, student work experience, student exhibitions, information evenings, and the Year 9 civics program. Senior students have also been involved in examinations and the annual GAT. Congratulations to everyone involved in the events of this past term and every blessing for this break away from classroom activities.


Warm regards,

Dr Douglas Peck