School News and Information 

Kindergarten News

Kindergarten continue to be outstanding little learners each day.  They try to do their best in all learning activities and should be super proud of all that they achieve each and every day.  I know we are!

Each week we have a new focus text (book) for our English unit.  We have enjoyed learning about bugs from an information text, and the way different characters are shown in books.  We always love writing and responding to the books we are reading.  Below are some pictures of some very clever members of our class who wrote a simple or compound sentence describing something the character "Floof" did after listening to a story.

In Maths we are learning that we can represent numbers in different ways.  The class have been visually representing numbers to at least 20 in a variety of ways.


We have also been comparing length using language such as longer than, shorter than, and the same as, and thinking about straight and curved lines in our world, for example, pencils and a skipping rope.

Mrs Harris has been teaching the Science unit called Movers and Shakers.  The universe, and everything in it, is continuously moving and changing. Objects fall, planets rotate, plants and animals move and atomic particles are in a continuous state of movement and change.  Movement is the change in position of an object over time, from one place to another.  Movements can be fast or slow. 

Kindergarten are curious about how they move themselves and how they can make other things move.  Below is a photo of the team, sorting toys by how they move, using a Venn diagram.


Enjoy the rest of your week!


Felicity Pennington and Ange Harris 





Library/Technology News

What an action packed term it has already been in the library!!! 

We have had an illustrator visit, Cheryl Orisini, for our Stage 3 students who also kindly donated two beautiful illustrations to the school.

Kindergarten are continuing their coding journey and are now coding Dash-bots robots using an Ipad.  As the students become more confident in their coding skills the children will have opportunities to code their robots around an obstacle course set out in the library. 


Stage 1 is preparing for the Olympics, or more specifically the Dash Olympics!  The Stage 1 children will be coding their robots to participate in some Olympic events specially designed for the Dash-bot robots.

Kindergarten and Stage 1 will also be learning about how important coding is in our everyday lives and exploring where coding can be found, from programming our dishwashing machine, traffic lights, smart tvs and cars!


Stage 2 and 3 have begun their filmmaker journey.  The children will be learning all about the finer details of screen recording, camera techniques, editing, planning, publishing and sharing their own news article.  As part of the ‘Student Filmmaker Kit’ the students have access to microphones, lightning and a variety of cameras, all used to make a very professional looking final production. It is predicted that by 2029 there will be 1.2 billion users of YouTube!  I think we have a lot of potential Youtubers! 


While this is all happening the 3D designs are slowly but surely being printed through the 3D printer and are on display in the library! 



Have a great week everyone and remember to keep reading!!!


Mrs Dunham



Our Term 2, Week 5 You Can Do It Champions!

Kindergarten Koalas

Riley received his You Can Do It award for always showing kindness and including everyone in outdoor play.

Stage 1 Magpies

Millie received her You Can Do It award for always giving her best in dance lessons.

Stage 1 Possums

Sebastian received his You Can Do It award for always being a friend to each member of the Possums.

3/4 Bilbies

Indy received her You Can Do It award for being a kind classmate who has empathy for others and is inclusive.  

3/4 Wombats

Ava received her You Can Do It award for always demonstrating integrity in her conduct.

5/6 Emus

Lillian received her You Can Do It award for always being ready to learn and being attentive during lessons. Excellent asking questions to clarify meaning. 

5/6 Dingoes 

Logan received his You Can Do It award for resolving conflict in a cool, calm, collected manner.  




Congratulations Merit Award Winners!







