Learning & 


Susanne Jackson

Vice Principal- Learning & Teaching

Home Learning at St Joseph's School

Home learning contributes toward building responsibility, self-discipline and lifelong learning habits. In his meta-analysis of effective teaching practises Hattie (2011) found that for home learning to have an impact on student learning in Primary school it must be focused on practising known skills to embed understanding.  


It is the intention of the St Joseph’s School staff to assign relevant, challenging and meaningful home learning that reinforces classroom learning objectives. Home learning should provide students with the opportunity to apply information they have learned and develop independence. 


At St Joseph’s we understand that learning is a process that is unique to each student and it is key to growth and change. As suggested in Hattie’s study, home learning is an opportunity for students to practise and share the skills they have been learning at school.  

Home learning will look different at each year level and to support parents we have outlined the suggested home learning students should in engage in each week. 


Junior Community   

-    Reading/Tricky Words recognition each night.

-    Practise Number fluency games weekly.

Middle Community   

-    Reading each night.

-    Spelling practice weekly.

-    Practice Number fluency skills 2 to 3  weekly. 

Senior Community 

-    Reading each night. 

-    Spelling practice weekly.

-    Practice Number fluency skills 3 to 4 times a week. 


As stated at the beginning of this piece, part of the purpose behind home learning is to help students build responsibility and accountability for their learning. Therefore teachers are collecting students home learning weekly and we have provided a lunchtime club for students to have time to complete their reading or home learning. We understand that families often have other activities during the week and encourage parents to communicate with their classroom teacher if their child is struggling to complete their home learning. 

Home Learning Page!

To ensure parents share our understanding of learning and can better support their children at home St Joseph’s School provides a Home Learning Portal

 Please click on the link below to visit your child’s Home Leaning Page to stay up to date with their learning.