College News

Trinity News 2023/24
Welcome to the 2023/24 Edition of
Trinity News Magazine
We hope you enjoy reading about what's been happening at Trinity College and the achievements of our students, past and present. If you would like to contribute to the magazine or have a story to share with the Trinity community, please contact
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Trinity College Communications
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Auxiliary News
What a wonderful Auxiliary Long Lunch event last Friday – we were overwhelmed with support for this event, and had to increase our numbers to cater for its popularity. As 220 people shared in laughs, lunch and joy, we are reminded that the Auxiliary’s aim to foster community and inclusion is alive and well at Trinity College. Pictures from the photobooth are available through the button below.
Many thanks are extended to those Auxiliary members and Year 8 parents who assisted at the Grandparents' Morning Tea events at the start of this term. With over 300 guests on each of the two days, this is a massive effort to ensure that our TC grandparents are treated to a wonderful morning.
Recently, the Auxiliary has provided funds to various groups and events at the College. This has included donations to the Year 12 Ball and funding of additional curtains for the event photobooth area; funding to a Frog Box system for our cricketers; as well as restocking glasses and items in the Gibney Hall kitchen, and purchasing an additional dishwasher, which will significantly help in the clean up of all College events.
Our next meeting is scheduled for this Monday, 27 May, at 8.30am in the Boardroom. All are welcome.
Mrs Melanie Day
President, TC Auxiliary
Uniform Shop news
Week 2.7
The Uniform Shop will not be open on Friday 31 May due to the Student Free Day/Staff Professional Learning Day. If families require uniform services next week, the shop will be open on Tuesday, 28 May from 7.30am - 3.30pm.
School holidays
The Uniform Shop will not be open during the winter school holidays. The shop will re-open in Term 3 on Tuesday, 16 July.