Term Dates 2024
Term One: Tuesday 30th January - Thursday 28th March -1.30pm
Term Two: Tuesday 16th April - Friday 28th June
Term Three: Monday 15th July - Friday 20th September
Term Four: Monday 7th October - Tuesday 17th December
School Camps
Year 4 Summit Camp - Wednesday 6th - Friday 8th November
Year 3 Zoo Snooze - To be confirmed
Sacrament of First Eucharist (Year 4) - Saturday 10th August
Sacrament of Confirmation (Year 6) - Saturday 14th September
Professional Development Days/School Closures
Term 3 School Closure Day - Monday 26th August
Term 4 School Closure Day - Monday 2nd December
Significant Dates for 2024 School Year
Wednesday 21st May - School Open Day
Tuesday 25th June - Parent Teacher Interviews
Monday 12th - Tuesday 13th August - School Review
Friday 16th August - P&F Parent Social Event
Thursday 29th August - District Athletics
Wednesday 27th November -Whole School Visual Arts Show
Thursday 28th November -Grandparents' Day
Thursday 29th August - Father’s Day Breakfast and Liturgy
Monday 16th December - End of Year/Graduation Liturgy and Graduation Celebrations