Play at Lunchtimes - PALs
PALs (Play At Lunchtimes) is a program where the year fives and sixes get to teach the receptions, year ones and twos fun games at lunchtimes. We work in small groups with a group of students per group and we get to teach and play games with them.
On Thursday 30 November, the PALs leaders completed a training day run by Mr Venter. There were 3 stages of our training. In stage 1 Mr Venter taught us all the games, which went until recess, After recess we got split into small groups and there were different games around the Gym, in each rotation 1 person would be the leader and the rest would be “5-year-olds.” The leader would teach the game and the rest would play. After lunch, Rm 6 and 7 came to the gym and we taught them games.
We learned lots of games and we got to play them. One of our favourite games we played was called Poison where the “storyteller” holds their hand out with their fingers spread wide & everyone else has to grab onto a finger. Everyone else then has to listen carefully and when the “storyteller” says the word poison everyone else has to run away, and the person that is caught becomes the “storyteller”.
John (Rm 9) Teaching is harder than it looks
Sophia (RM 9) - I think that PALs next year is going to be very fun and I am going to love being a PALs leader. On the training day, I loved playing games, my favourite game was Poison, and I liked teaching the little kids games.
Georgia (RM9) - I am looking forward to PALs next year because I want to learn all of their names and teach them games. On training day I liked playing all the games. My favourite game was Poison. I loved teaching the little kids and they’re really cute.
Lachlan (RM9) - I am looking forward to PALs next year so that I can help the kids that don’t have friends, and so that they can play fun games. At the PALs training, I liked working in a team, My favourite game was no net netball. I loved teaching the little kids because they were listening and having fun.
Zoya (RM14) - I think that PALs next year is going to be fun because I get to teach little kids and give them some inspiration and Confidence to make friends and it will be nice for me too. The training day was really fun and we got to play a lot of games, it was inspiring and fun to learn the games because they were pretty easy. My favourite game was Poison. I like to play games with the little kids because they’re cute and little and it's hard to picture me that little. It was really fun Because I don’t get that at home since I’m an only child.
Well done to students Shaun, Connor, John, Mia, Luke, Henry Chen, Lachlan, Abdulrhman Zoya, Aaradhya, Georgia, Sophia, Amelia, Cadence, Dristi, Deme, Nancy, Masa, Harry, Alex, Ethan, Isaiah, Ivy-Rose, Kayla, Abby, Kalki and Vatalein, the PALs leaders for 2024.
By Cadence, Dristi & Deme