

& Wellbeing

Louise Amor,  Shannon Argall, Liam Offer & Dan Garner

Welcome to the 2024 school year - we are excited to be back and it has been a smooth start. We welcome many new families, students and staff to our wonderful community.



Our year 7 and 12 students returned to a day of bootcamp - the Year 7 team have been running this as part of transition for many years to support all of our new students. This year we decided based on student voice to implement a year 12 bootcamp that focused on wellbeing, preparation, connectedness and relationships with peers and staff. Our chaplaincy committee organised a morning tea to welcome back our Year 12s and wellbeing staff cooked up a delicious BBQ lunch for all students.


Throughout last week, we then welcomed back all students from 8-11 with our VM students being the last to return due to work placement and VET days. 



At Horsham College the expectation is that all students will follow our uniform policy which is set by school council. This means that only plain white and navy blue long sleeves are to be worn underneath College uniform. Shoes are to be plain black. HC hats are to be worn in Terms 1 and 4. We ask that families support us in ensuring that your child is in correct uniform. If there are any issues, please contact your child’s year level co-ordinator or ask the student to submit a note to obtain a uniform pass. 


New Students

This year we have had many students commence their education at Horsham College throughout all year levels. We ask that if you have an questions that you contact year level teams for follow up. We are excited to have you join our college community. 



As a school, we rely on SEQTA as our main college communication platform. We ask that all parents/guardians have an account and that this is checked regularly. Please contact the school if you have any issues with this platform. 


Leaving School

If at any stage, students need to leave school for appointments, we ask that parents/guardians present to the office to meet your child - our duty of care means we need to ensure that we have accurate lists of who is on site in case of emergency. If a student meets a parent/guardian at the car without notifying anybody, we would still believe they are on site. 




New Team

We have had some changes in relation to Principal class. Please see who to contact for your child’s sub-school.


Year 7&8 - Shannon Argall

Year 9&10 - Liam Offer

Year 11&12 - Louise Amor

Alternate Programs - Dan Garner


We have many layers of support at our College. For day to day queries and concerns, it is the level co-ordinators for each team that are to be contacted. Our Leading Teachers are the next point of contact, followed by the sub-school Assistant Principal. Each year level has a Leading Teacher. 


For year level co-ordinators, please see year level reports in our newsletter. 


We look forward to working with you this year to support your child in achieving their best. 



Take Care,

Shannon, Liam, Louise and Dan