Join the Caplaincy Committee?

Join the Chaplaincy Committee?

Horsham College has a Chaplaincy Committee – made up of parents, staff and community members - who meet about seven times a year (including the Christmas Party!) to support the role of Chaplain at our school.


Getting updates about school movements, praying for the whole school and eating cake still leaves time for the committee to plan the May and October fundraising second hand Book Fairs.


Embedded within the Wellbeing Team, the Horsham College chaplain assists students with a wide variety of needs, making referrals where appropriate, as well as running the Brekky Hub with the support of Foodbank Victoria, and serving lunches provided by Horsham Rotary through the Eat Up! Program.


Awareness days that promote the Horsham College values of care, character, commitment and collaboration are organised by the chaplain each term to engage and encourage students with the aim of building connection and a sense of belonging at school.


With spirituality and meaning a pillar of wellbeing for all young people, supporting the provision of a chaplaincy program is a rewarding contribution for committee members to make to the school community.


If this sounds like something you would like to be involved with, please contact the chaplain, Yolande Grosser, through reception to find out more.