What's happening 

at HC


If you haven't already 'liked' our page on Facebook make sure you do so you can get updates from us!


Parents/guardians are reminded to contact the school if their child is going to be absent.


You can call our Absence Hotline 5381 7200 or through our Seqta App.

KESOs (Koorie Engagement Support Officers)

KESOs support Koorie children and their families with assistance to make the journey through primary and secondary school as seamless as possible.


KESOs also connect with other relevant (school and regional staff) and external support workers to assist family engagement.


KESOs can assist with:

  • Individual Education Plan Meetings
  • Assist with Scholarship/s applications
  • Suspensions and Expulsions Meetings

Plus a whole range of other Educational needs.

Your local KESOs based in Horsham are:


Welcome Back!

We hope that everyone is ready for another exciting year at Horsham College and the area of Academic Support is very pleased to report that we have expanded and now have an Academic Counsellor in the senior school as well as supporting students across the junior and middle areas. 


Jenna Argall is the Academic Counsellor for Years 11 and 12 and Bonita O’Brien is the Academic Counsellor for Years 7-10.  We are both experienced teachers who are available to support students who may be having difficulties keeping up with schoolwork or navigating their academic load; we can offer support with study/homework planning and helping students with organisation.  


Students can contact us directly through SEQTA messages and they may also notice us working in and around classrooms; Bonita’s office is located in Library and Jenna works out of the Careers Office in the S wing.  


We are both looking forward to an amazing academic year in 2024.


Jenna Argall and Bonita O’Brien

Student Academic Counsellors


School Photos

School Photos are being held on Monday 12th February, below is the online booking information and access key for ordering.