From Mr. Rob Pyers

To the Horsham College Community,


I write this letter to the community to say thank you and confirm that I will be leaving Horsham College to take up a position as an Executive Principal in the School Improvement Section of the Department, with a focus on the strategic use of resources and secondary school improvement.


The decision to leave Horsham College is the most difficult decision I have had to make in my career as I love the school, the community, the people that I have worked with each day and the work that we have collectively done to see Horsham College regarded as the ‘best’ regional government secondary school in Victoria. I leave because I know it is time, time to tackle a new challenge and time to let the amazing team at Horsham College hear a new voice, listen to a new set of opinions and be led by the energy a new leader provides.  I have enormous faith and belief in the capacity, skills and values of our current school leadership team led by Meg Woolford Acting Principal and the team of Assistant Principals – Shannon Argall, Liam Offer, Louise Amor, Dan Garner and Melissa Twaddell and the College Council led by Brett Thompson, Anthony Schache and Shaun Casey. I know the College will continue to be a leader in education in the Wimmera and the state.


Our College’s success has not been based on an individual. It has always been based on living our values, working together and being focused on listening to and meeting our students and community’s needs.  The College has enabled two of my own children to find success in their own unique pathways and allowed me to experience an educational and career journey few could imagine.  


It is with the most immense pride that I have been the Principal of Horsham College and I have enjoyed the journey over the past 10 years that we have experienced together. I leave the College thankful for the experiences, the faith and the long term friendships that I have made whilst leading the school and knowing my pride in Horsham College is only matched by my admiration and respect for the students, parents and carers, community members and staff that I have worked beside. 


Thank you 

Rob Pyers