Year 12 News

 Kristin Pfitzner & Nick Rigas | Year 12 Coordinators


Welcome to all Year 12 students and their families for what promises to be an exciting year! We look forward to working together with you during 2024.


The Year 12 Team

The Year 2024 12 Team is:

  • Mrs Louise Amor – Senior School Assistant Principal
  • Mr Liam Price – Year 12 Leading Teacher
  • Ms Kristen Pfitzner and Mr Nick Rigas – Year 12 Co-ordinators
  • Hamish Roberts – Senior Wellbeing
  • Ms Jenna Argall – Senior School Academic Support

Home Group Teachers are:

12A – Nicholas Rigas

12B – Elizabeth Stokes

12C – Rose Seers

12D – Liam Price

12E – Ms Kristen Pfitzner



If your child is absent, we request that you contact the school via the Absence Hotline (5381 7200), Direct Messaging your child’s Home Group teacher or by bringing a note to give to the Home Group teacher.

At Horsham College there is an 80% attendance requirement for all VCE classes except approved absences. That means a student needs to attend at least 80% of the classes in any one unit. That is why it is extremely important to get any absences approved.


Year 12 VCE Bootcamp

The start of this year for VCE students looked somewhat different to previous years. Responding to student feedback the Year 12 Team organised a first day based around study habits, relationship building, wellbeing and fun.

We commenced the school day with Mr Rigas explaining VCE procedures at a Year Level Assembly. The official opening of the Year 12 Common Room then followed; students enjoyed a vast array of cakes, slices, biscuits, and fruit that had been prepared by our school chaplain Yolande. We thank Yolande for her efforts in preparing this spread that was very well received!


After recess students participated in two sessions with Elevate Education. Nelson, a 19-year-old presenter from Elevate, highly engaged our students by presenting a range of practical strategies to improve study habits and time management. These two sessions were well received by our students, with many commenting that they now had practical strategies to implement moving forward into their Year 12 studies.


Students were then provided with a BBQ lunch that was prepared by the Wellbeing Team. They enjoyed this alongside the Year 7 students.

In the afternoon students reconvened in the Year 12 Common Room to work alongside Hamish from Wellbeing to prepare an individual self-care plan. They considered behaviours they were likely to exhibit when under pressure and considered ways to look after their general wellbeing. Hamish stressed the importance of recognising any change in behaviours and the need to seek support sooner rather than later.


The day concluded with a game of dodgeball between Year 12 teachers and students. This was a great way for everyone (students and staff!) to let of steam and conclude the day.



Year 12 Common Room

Students have been enjoying their new Year 12 Common Room. They have been reminded to focus on RESPECT and INCLUSION in this new environment. It is exciting to see these students be the role models of our school.



Study Centre

A reminder that the Study Centre is a quiet space where students can work after school until 4.30pm. The Study Centre is open during the year on student free days (eg. Parent Teacher Interviews) until 4.30pm. We encourage students to make use of this opportunity.