Year 11 News

 Tim Pitt & Lauren Thomson | Year 11 Coordinators

On behalf of the Year 11 team, welcome! We would like to congratulate our Year 11 students on such a positive start to the new school year. It has been exciting to see the group settling into their roles as senior school leaders. 


This year our Year 11 students will be supported throughout the year by the following team of staff:


Year 11 Coordinators:       

Tim Pitt: 


Lauren Thomson:


Leading teacher

Kellie Gardy:


Assistant Principal

Louise Amor:           



Hamish Roberts:


Students will also be supported by an amazing group of teachers.


Form Group teachers

  • 11A – Tim Pitt, Cathryn Clarke, Louise Amor
  • 11B – Sue Pavlovich, Lewis Dacre, Gary Lean, Tina Fitzgerald
  • 11C – Lauren Thomson
  • 11D – John McKee
  • 11E – Josh Nguyen
  • 11F – Kellie Gardy
  • 11G – Lyndon Kuhne

Please note the following expectations for year 11 students:

  • The attendance requirements for VCE/VCE-VM students is above 80%. If your child is absent, we request that you contact the school via one of the following:
    • The Absence Hotline 53817200
    • SEQTA Engage app - complete the online form
    • Contact your child’s Form Group teacher via SEQTA, phone call or a signed note.
  • Students have one study day each fortnight - the first study day will be on 14/2. Students will not be required to attend year 11 classes on these days, as they will not run. If students have a year 12 class they are expected to attend that class only. Students are welcome to work in the study centre on their study day. If students are in a VET course in 2024 they will be expected to attend VET every Wednesday unless alternative arrangements have been made by the VET provider. .
  • If students are absent due to illness and miss an assessment, they will need to provide a medical certificate. 

Please reach out to the Year 11 team on 53817111 if you have any questions or concerns. We are looking forward to a fantastic year and working with you all to achieve the best outcomes for your child.