Year 9 News

Matthew Nield & David Arthur | Year 9 Coordinators

Year 9 Team


Assistant Principal - Liam Offer

Leading Teacher - Joanne Merryfull

Year Level Coordinators – Matt Nield and David Arthur


If you have any concerns, please contact the people listed above either through direct message or by calling the Year 9 office on 5381 7109.


Form Group Teachers:

Your Form Group teachers play a crucial role in your daily school life. Here are the dedicated educators for each Year 9 Form Group:

  • 9A - Joanne Merryfull
  • 9B - Patricia O'Connor
  • 9C - Matt Nield
  • 9D - Amelia Lugg
  • 9E - Raquel Barrio & Amy Stasinowsky
  • 9F - Brittany King
  • 9G - Emily Friedrichsen

If your child is absent we request that you contact the school either via the Absence Hotline on 5382 1191, a signed note or Seqta message. Form group teachers will be in touch if your child has an unexplained absence to ensure your child’s attendance is up to date.


During our form group session with the students on their first day, there were some forms handed out regarding local excursions, media consent and student expectations. We kindly ask that these be signed by parents, guardians and students and returned to the administration office as soon as possible.



All Year 9 students are required to have a lock on their locker. Please make sure that if your child does not have a lock that you send one with them to school.


Timetable Changes for Semester 1

All students have been asked to familiarise themselves with their new timetables for Semester 1. 

If changes to their electives are needed to be made, they have been asked to complete the following:

  1. Collect a form from the Year 9 Office
  2. Fill it out and have a parent/guardian sign it at home
  3. Drop it back to the Year 9 Coordinators in the Year 9 Office before Friday Feb 10th (end of Week 2).


Students need to be in full school uniform. A reminder that the old blue polo shirts are no longer allowed. Students are allowed to wear their PE shirt as a part of their everyday uniform. We would advise students to purchase a separate PE shirt so they can still have a change of shirt for hygiene purposes. 



As we are in Term 1 – this means that all students are required to be wearing their Horsham College school hat when they are outside at recess and lunch, as well as in their PE classes. If your child does not have a hat, a new hat can be purchased from Earles in Horsham.


Good luck and all the best to the Year 9 students. We are very excited to be part of the Year 9 team for 2024 and are looking forward to working closely with the students, parents and guardians. It is bound to be a great year!