Year 8 News

Justin Chilver & Sam Hoffmann | Year 8 Coordinators

Welcome back to all Year 8 students! It has been fantastic seeing all of your faces throughout the first week back and we hope all Year 8 families had a wonderful Christmas, New Year & summer break. We have had a great start to the year so far and are looking forward to a successful year ahead for all. 


The Year 8 Team consist of:

Assistant Principal - Shannon Argall (


Leading Teacher- Fiona Rowe (


Coordinators- Sam Hoffmann ( and


Justin Chilver (


Form Group Teachers

8A - Gordon Poultney (Mon) & Hugh Kirne (Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri)

8B - Scarlett Kennedy

8C - Maia Blair

8D - Sam Hoffmann

8E – Fiona Rowe

8F – Justin Chilver (Mon & Tues) & Haylee Downes (Wed/Thurs/Fri)

8G – Lauren Arnett



All Year 8 students are required to have a lock on their locker. Please make sure that if your child does not have a lock that you send one with them to school.


Timetable Changes for Semester 1

All students have been asked to familiarise themselves with their new timetables for Semester 1. 


If changes to their timetable are needed to be made, they have been asked to complete the following:

  1. Collect a form from the Year 8 Office
  2. Fill it out and have a parent/guardian sign it
  3. Drop it back to the Year 8 Coordinators in the Year 8 Office before Friday Feb 9th.


Students need to be in full school uniform. A reminder that in term 1 students are required to be wearing their Horsham College school hat when they are outside at recess and lunch, as well as in their PE classes. If your child does not have a hat, a new hat can be purchased from the Administration Office.



We want to see all students at school as much as practical, so if your child is away, please let us know by either contacting the college’s Absence Hotline 5382 1191 or via SEQTA Engage (Portals > Absentee Form). Alternatively you can send their Form Group Teacher an email or SEQTA message outlining your student’s absence.


We are very excited to be the Year 8 Coordinators for 2024 and are looking forward