Principal's Report

Ms Meg Woolford - Acting Principal 

2024 Term 1 Week 2 Newsletter


I wish to begin by welcoming everyone to the 2024 Horsham College school year; I especially welcome new students and families that are now part of the Horsham College Community. 


We have had a great start to 2024. Staff began with two days of preparation for the year ahead, focusing on improving student achievement in literacy, numeracy and VCE/VCE-VM, and increasing the active participation of all students in their learning and wellbeing.


Thank you to the Year 7 Team led by Mr. Shannon Argall (Assistant Principal 7 & 8), Mrs. Susan McKenry (Year 7 Leading Teacher), and Mr. Gareth Hose and Mr. Cam Bruce (Year Level Coordinators) for their work in preparing and running the Year 7 Bootcamp. This day allowed for Year 7s to get to know their surroundings, each other, and their teachers. This year saw the first Year 12 Boot Camp, which again allowed students the opportunity to reconnect with each other and get to know their teachers in 2024, and to see a presentation by Elevate, which assists in managing stress and developing effective study habits. Thank you to Mrs. Louise Amor (Year 11 & 12 Assistant Principal), Mr. Liam Price (Year 12 Leading Teacher), and Mr. Nick Rigas & Frau. Pfitzner (Year Level Coordinators).


New Staff

This year we have a number of new staff joining Horsham College as well as staff members returning from leave.  The new are listed below: 


Teaching Staff

Cameron Pickering

Haylee Downes

Jenelle Patterson

Jenna Argall 

Kade Petering 

Kate Gardner

Lauren Thomson

Lea Maier

Maia Blair

Ronnie Couch

Scarlett Kennedy

Scott Booth

Travis McMahon


Education Support Staff

Sharnee Lockhart

Tanya Letts

Jenelle Patterson

Jenna Argall 

Nikisha Sonego

Pascal Patterson

Toby Haynes (rejoined late 2023)



Lisa Hobbs


Support for Students

The College continues to prioritise supporting students with their education through the use of Sub-Schools in 2024. Staff contacts for student engagement and wellbeing are set out below. 


Years 7 & 8

  • Assistant Principal: Mr. Shannon Argall
  • Year 7 Leading Teacher: Mrs. Susan McKenry
  • Year 7 Year Level Coordinators: Mr. Gareth Hose & Mr. Cam Bruce
  • Year 8 Leading Teacher: Mrs. Fiona Rowe
  • Year 8 Year Level Coordinators: Mr. Justin Chilver & Mr. Sam Hoffman
  • Year 7 & 8 Wellbeing: Miss Kara Johnson

Years 9 & 10

  • Assistant Principal: Mr. Liam Offer
  • Year 9 Leading Teacher: Miss. Joanne Merryfull
  • Year 9 Year Level Coordinators: Mr. David Arthur & Mr. Matt Nield
  • Year 10 Leading Teacher: Miss. Madeleine McQueen
  • Year 10 Year Level Coordinators: Miss Courtney Scherger & Mrs. Emma Hopper
  • Years 9 & 10 Wellbeing: Mrs. Cass Roberts

Years 11 & 12

  • Assistant Principal: Mrs. Louise Amor
  • Year 11 Leading Teacher: Mrs. Kellie Gardy
  • Year 11 Year Level Coordinators: Mr. Tim Pitt & Miss. Lauren Thompson
  • Year 12 Leading Teacher: Mr. Liam Price
  • Year 12 Year Level Coordinators: Mr. Nick Rigas & Frau. Pfitzner
  • Years 11 & 12 Wellbeing: Mr. Hamish Roberts

VCE-VM Dimboola Road & McKenzie Creek

  • Assistant Principal: Mr. Daniel Garner
  • VCE-VM/VPC Leading Teacher: Ranaye Johnston
  • McKenzie Creek Leading Teacher: Mr. Ben Murphy
  • Wellbeing: Mrs. Treena Hogan



Sun Smart

In Term 1 and Term 4, students are required to be sun smart and wear a Horsham College hat during recess and lunch times. If your student has lost their hat, replacement hats can be purchased from the Administration Office. The Australian sun can be very harsh, and with one of the highest incidences of skin cancers in the world, it is important that we all support our students to be safe when in the sun. Students can also access free sunscreen from their Year Level Offices.


Mobile Phones and Smart Watches

As per the Department of Education policy, students are not to access their mobile phones or smart watches when at school. Students can either hand in their phone at the start of the day to their year level office or leave it securely in their lockers. If students bring these devices to school, they are responsible for their safe keeping. 


Farewell and Thank You to Mr. Rob Pyers

As many of you may be aware, Mr. Rob Pyers is stepping away from Horsham College and has taken a position as an Executive Principal in the School Improvement Section of the Department, with a focus on the strategic use of resources and secondary school improvement. I want to take this opportunity to thank Rob for his leadership, passion, and commitment to Horsham College for the past 10 years. Rob’s unwavering dedication and leadership have allowed Horsham College to flourish and support so many students to achieve great success. Horsham College and I will always be grateful for the legacy he leaves behind. On behalf of the Horsham College Community I wish him the very best as he embraces a different chapter with new challenges and opportunities. 


College Council Elections

The Horsham College Council is a fantastic group of people within our community who work together to ensure the College is meeting its requirements regarding  department processes, and achieving the outcomes that provide for student success. The Council provides strategic support and guidance to the school leadership team and oversees governance issues across the College.


Nominations for the Horsham College Council will open shortly.  Being a part of the College Council is a fantastic way to be involved in the College and understand our processes and overall goals and targets.  I would encourage any members of our community who are interested in joining the Council to contact me.