Around the College

Open Mornings! 

We would love to see you at one of our open mornings!

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Shrove Tuesday - 13 February 2024

Shrove Tuesday is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent is the 40 days leading up to Easter. 


Pancakes are traditionally made to use up rich foods such as eggs, milk, and sugar, before the fasting season of the 40 days of Lent. Nowadays, people choose to 'give up' something during Lent like chocolate or sugar as a token of fasting.


This year we are raising money for Caritas, our student mission team cooked pancakes to sell for $1 at lunchtime to all students and staff. 


Year 10 Food Technology - Mrs. Cassidy

When your Food Technology class coincides with Shrove Tuesday - you make pancakes!!


Year 7  - Gippsland Tech  7B and 7 D - Mrs. Julia Leslie and Mr. Travis Newton

On Tuesday 13th February Year 7B and D headed over to GippsTech to talk about all things technology! A highlight is always the virtual reality! 

Year 7 Success Day - Mrs. Cassidy

Each year our Year 7s have a Success Day, we take them out of their scheduled classes and they do some different activities! They finally get their laptops so they do Mac Attack - Hints and Tips on how to use their Mac Books, SIMON - how to use our SIMON portal, Library Orientation, sports, and arts/crafts. The students get to mix and meet other students in Year 7, they will then head off on Camp to Phillip Island next week! 


The artwork they created is displayed in the year 7 hallway. 

MacAttack - hints and tips
MacAttack - hints and tips