From the Principal

Student Leaders' Training
Scott, Shona, Hannah and I had the pleasure of spending the day with our 2024 Student Leaders (Cyber, Gardening and Junior School Council) on Friday 16 February. We worked through a number of different activities including setting goals, reviewing our current SWPBS Majors and Minors Flowchart and their reflections on what we are doing well at LEPS and Areas for Improvement. We were all impressed with works the leaders completed during the day and are excited about their drive to make LEPS even better than it currently is.
Bronwyn Halfpenny, the Local Member for Thomastown, was a special visitor and she said spending time with our students was refreshing and a highlight of her day! The students were loathed to see her leave and I think Bronwyn would have happily spent longer at LEPS if her schedule had allowed. As it was, Bronwyn spent twice as long with us than planned because she was enjoying herself so much.
All credit to our students for how well they represented our school. Scott, Hannah, Shona and I are very excited to work this remarkable group throughout 2024.
School Council Elections
The School Council plays an important role at the school in helping us to make decisions about what is in the best interests of the school and the wider community. School Council is made up of a mix of parents and Department employees. School Council elections occur every year in March.
School Council meets 10 times throughout the year, on a Tuesday evening starting at 6:30pm. Our meetings are usually over by 8pm.
This year we are calling for nominations for: 4 parents, 1 Community and 1 School Employee to replace those members who are stepping down this year.
Those interested in nominating to join School Council can collect a form from the office team (Robyn, Bev and Suzanne). Nominations opened on Monday 19 February and close at 4:00pm on Monday 4 March 2024. If more nominations are received than positions, we will hold an election.
Our current School Council parents, Carly, Crystal, Rachel, Tina or Valentina are happy to provide reassurance that being on School Council isn't daunting and that we are a fun group who have a few laughs while making decisions to improve our school. Scott and I are also happy to chat to parents who would like more information about the vital work School Council does.
Working Bee
Our Gardening Leaders have organised a working bee for 3:30pm on Friday 23 February to help us get on top of the weeds which grew over the holiday break. Last year we had over fifty children and parents working to complete a variety of tasks which made a massive difference to the school. Even if you can only spend half an hour, we would be happy to have you. Afterall, many hands make light work!