Junior School

Our Year 7 students have made a fantastic start to their journey at Eltham High School! Many new experiences and connections have been made in the first few days and it's amazing to see how quickly they are getting their heads around all that high school involves. 


All students who have submitted an Expression of Interest for the Music Program had their Timbre Test on their first day, which will support them to identify instruments that they might be suited to in preparation for the Year 7 Instrumental Music Evening on Wednesday 7 February. 


The boys' Volleyball tryouts began today during our Sports session and the girls will begin their tryouts later this week. These tryouts will continue for the next four weeks. We have lots going on with sign up for clubs happening on Monday at lunchtime next week. There will be over 30 clubs for our Year 7s to choose from this year and all will be starting up over the next two weeks. It's critical that a keen eye is kept on the Compass dashboard to ensure that no opportunities are missed. 


As part of the Transition Program, in Integrated Studies we will be working on ensuring that all students know how to navigate Compass. Today we worked to ensure that all the students were logged in to their computers.


In Week 4, we will be heading over the Eltham Leisure Centre for our Year 7 Transition Wellbeing Day, and we can't wait! If you have yet to provide consent and payment for your young person, could you please attend to this as soon as possible: we'd be very grateful.


Please don't hesitate to contact your young person's teachers and coordinators if you have any questions or concerns about anything that is happening across the Year 7 Program. A reminder that the Coordinators of each class are as follows: 

Anthony Young YOO - anthony.young@education.vic.gov.au - 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D 

Jim Petridis PET - dimitrios.petridis@education.vic.gov.au - 7E, 7F, 7G, 7H 

MELISSA HUGHES, Junior School Team Leader