Principals Message

The Third Sunday of Advent– Joy
On the Third Sunday of Advent we light an additional candle,
the candle of joy to remind us that Christ came, and is coming again – so that all people have a rich and abundant life. We thank God for the hope he gives us, for the peace he bestows, and for the joy he pours into our hearts.
The candle for the Third Sunday of Advent is pink to remind us of the coming joy of the birth of Jesus Christ.
As I write my last newsletter as principal of St Mary’s School I reflect on the privilege I have enjoyed of leading staff, students and families alike through good times and not so good times. I am truly grateful for the support I have had from many staff and parents over the past 15 years and hope and pray that your futures are filled with love and peace as you continue to nurture your young children and encourage them to be the best they can be. God bless you all.
Our 2023 Transition morning was a great way for our senior students to connect with the 2024 Foundation children. They all found out who their buddy would be for next year and all students worked in their 2024 class.
On Wednesday December 6th we were blessed to have Bishop Shane Mackinlay, Mr Paul Desmond and Ms Annabelle Cleeland join us for the opening and blessing of the MacKillop Learning Centre. This refurbishment was made possible by State Government funding and through local contribution. The speakers highlighted the fabulous learning opportunities that our students have and reminded them to continue to use every opportunity to become focused and more successful.
On Friday December 15 we were thankful for Fr Minh’s presence as he celebrated Mass with our students and families to recognise the end of the school year and our 10 graduating students. Thank you to Mrs Brockett for her meticulous planning and staff who assisted her.
All grade 6 students received a Mary MacKillop Callistemon and a graduation photo.
We congratulate the following students who have completed grade 6:
Willow Bertram, Makore Dickinson, Kaitlyn Garvey, Billie Johnstone, Kaley Knight, JJ Robertson, Nevaeh Shelton, Patrick Williams, Elvie Wright and Mieke Wright.
We farewell: Manny Robertson, Eli Shelton, Aliesha and Poppy Barlow.
We also farewell the following families from St Mary’s: Clint Johnstone and Jade Johnston, Craig Knight and Brynne Schumacher, Chris and Libbi Robertson, Josh and Emily Shelton,
and Matt and Kacey Barlow and families and we thank them for their valuable contribution to our school over the past years.
Student assessment reports for Semester 2 were uploaded onto SIMON Everywhere last evening. They are available for viewing when you log into SIMON Everywhere. Parents have reported that they are unable to view the report. Andrea from SIMON has checked the reports and she has advised that the reports are released and can be viewed. She suggests that you view them on an iPad/laptop rather than your phone.
Taya Chillingsworth and Renee Batt are leaving after completing this semester, to continue their chosen career. We thank Taya and Renee for their beneficial contribution to our students.
Ms Chris Marshall is retiring from her teaching career after 10 years at St Mary’s and having played a significant role in establishing our new language: Auslan. We thank Ms Marshall for her invaluable time spent at St Mary’s.
I am retiring after 48 years in Catholic Education and 15 years at St Mary’s Rushworth. Staff organised a retirement function for me last Friday evening where I welcomed family members, teacher friends with whom I had attended Teachers College 50 years ago, and teachers with whom I had taught throughout my long career. In my speech I made the following comments:
“It was at St Mary’s that I commenced my 48 year teaching career. It is also where I will finish my teaching career.
Mary MacKillop’s famous quote “Never see a need without doing something about it” has been very relevant in my principal role here in Rushworth where the Sisters of St Joseph began the school in 1954 (70 years ago). In many ways I have been privileged to work in a Josephite school and have certainly endeavoured to follow Mary’s values.
I am overwhelmed be finishing. The support and encouragement from each of you has been so rewarding. I have treasured my career in education and have been blessed to meet many like minded colleagues, wonderful parents and great students. I have been grateful to have had the opportunity to enhance and improve the learning outcomes of thousands of amazing students.
St Mary’s is a wonderful school with quality teachers, fabulous learning spaces, attractive landscaping and great kids and families. We have always made school improvements and employed staff to ensure our students’ continual improvement. I will continue to feel proud of St Mary’s and the school community for the rest of my life. In Mary Mackillop’s words, “There is much for which to be thankful”
I will miss the students, families, my colleagues, the school environment and the excitement and busyness of school environments.
January Calendar | |
Monday Jan 29 | Pupil FREE: Staff PD -First Aid |
Tuesday Jan 30 | Pupil FREE: Staff meeting and preparation day |
Wednesday Jan 31 | ALL students commence the 2024 school year |
February Calendar | |
Wednesday Feb 7 | Foundation rest day (every Wednesday until March 6) |
Tuesday Feb 13 | Shrove Tuesday (Pancakes) |
Wednesday Feb 14 | Ash Wednesday |
Monday Feb 19 | PUPIL FREE DAY |
Wednesday Feb 28 | Year 6 Student Retreat |
March Calendar | |
Monday March 11 | Labour Day Holiday |
Wednesday Mar 13 | NAPLAN (March 13 – March 26) |
Tuesday Mar 26 | Whole School Photo |
Thursday Mar 28 | Holy Thursday -Last Day of Term |
We continue to pray for our two families who are currently experiencing the hardship of hospitalisation and chemo treatment. Tim Walker informed me last week that Dee’s treatment at Peter Mac Cancer Centre, Parkville, following her bone marrow transplant, has been tough. Dee has been at her lowest point but is now very slowly making improvement.
Leanne Cleary advised that Jess Rogers is currently in Bendigo Health following a bout of chemo treatment. Jess is being treated for lymphoma cancer in Bendigo as well as at Peter Mac Cancer Centre, Parkville.
We keep both these St Mary’s families in our thoughts and prayers over the holiday period. Tim Walker and Nathan Cleary and the children’s grandparents are the main carers of Emily and Oliver Walker and Taya, Ebony and Madeline Cleary and they are doing a wonderful job. We send our love and support to the Walker and the Cleary families.
May the peace of the new born Christ fill your homes at Christmas.
Have a wonderful break, stay safe and return to school on Wednesday January 31 to welcome your new principal Mr Vincent Ryan.
God Bless and thank you.
Catherine Fraser