Stage 1 

Teaching & Learning

Term 1, 2024


In English this term, students will explore the concept of narrative through rich literacy texts. They will engage with a variety of lessons that encourage exploration and creative thinking. 


Students will be reading and discussing the following texts throughout the term:



The focus for writing this term is imaginative texts. Students will have writing opportunities to compose imaginative texts, developing with skills in imaginative writing. They will construct narrative texts for particular audiences and learn how to write different narrative features. 


In speaking and listening students will participate in vibrant class discussions centered around texts studied throughout the term. Our students will be engaged and challenged in a diverse range of literacy activities on a rotational basis. These activity sessions include dedicated reading guidance led by teachers. Students will continue learning new sounds and correspondence throughout the term and applying sounds in different letter patterns. 


All Stage 1 students will continue to learn to write using NSW Foundation Style for fluency and legibility. Teachers will focus on explicitly teaching consistent size, slope and spacing. Additionally, students will continue to develop their typing capabilities. 

English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D)

EAL/D will follow a co-teaching model in Stage 1. English language learners will be supported by specialist EAL/D teachers in their mainstream class during co-teaching sessions. Co-teaching supports participation in all areas of the curriculum, with a particular focus on literacy. The language development of targeted students is monitored and, at the end of the term, students’ progress and support will be reviewed.


In mathematics this term, students will discover new concepts following a three-week cycle. Students will focus on these concepts throughout Term 1: 

  • Weeks 3- 5: Representing Whole Numbers, Chance & Data
  • Weeks 6-8: Combining and Separating Quantities & Length 
  • Weeks 9 - 11: Forming Groups, Area & 2D Shapes

Students will be exploring the different concepts of mathematics through explicit instruction and hands on activities. Students will be assessed on concepts during the three-week cycle so teachers can accurately model and guide students at their appropriate level of growth. They will learn about different working mathematically process to communicate, understand, reason and problem solve when learning maths.

Science and Technology

This term our focus is on Earth and Space. Students will learn about Earths resources and their conservation. With teacher support they will explore Aboriginal perspectives of Earth's resources and how they are cared for on-Country. Students will explore sustainable strategies to meet communities needs. Stage 1 students will focus on these key inquiry questions throughout the term. 

  • What are Earth’s resources and how do we use and care for them?
  • What is data and how can we store and represent it?


In Term 1 students will explore places across Australia and where Australian location in within the world. Student will learn about different landmarks in Australia and why they are important. They will discover their connection to local places in Sydney and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander connections land. Students will learn about this content through student inquiry tasks and picture books. 


In Term 1, Stage 1 students will engage in the Growing Strong Minds program to learn about character strengths - Curiosity, Energy, Kindness, Fairness, Forgiveness & Humour. Each lesson focuses on students engaging in activities that enhance their understanding of these strengths and how to spot them in themselves and in others. Students will practice interpersonal skills to interact positively with others and to use strategies to communicate their feelings. 

Students understanding and using our own character strengths helps them to build self worth and self esteem.  Spotting strengths in others helps to build communities. It teaches us to look for the good, unique qualities in everyone. Strength spotting also emphasises the importance of diversity, tolerance and inclusiveness. 


Creative Arts

The study focus for Semester 1 in Music, Dance and Singing is 'Composing'. Students will learn, develop and use creative thinking skills, critical and design thinking techniques to explore and improvise within given structure. Students will be given opportunities to perform and reflect on their creative processes. 


In the Creative Arts, we include but are not limited to exposing the students:

  • in Music, to multi-rhythms within classical, contemporary, popular and electronic music, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditional and contemporary music, folk, jazz, blues and music for film, television, radio and multimedia.
  • in Dance, to multi-styles of classical, contemporary and popular dance, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditional and contemporary dance, modern dance, folk and traditional dance
  • in Singing, to multi-vocals of Classical, contemporary and popular songs, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditional and contemporary songs, modern songs, cultural, folk (Spanish) and traditional songs.

In the Creative Arts artform refers to the particular physical, material, symbolic and virtual properties used by artists/performers to create works that are present in the combinations of making, performing, composing and use of material and technical skills and technologies.

Students will learn that artforms exist as representations of ideas and meanings when viewed and interpreted by audiences and that different times, contexts and cultures influence the nature of artforms and how they are interpreted. Learning experiences in the Creative Arts develop students’ knowledge and understanding of works as purposefully conceived by artists/performers.


The CAPA teachers are super excited for 2024 and to nurture a new breed of composers!


Keep creating, dancing, singing and playing.  




In Term 1, students in Stage 1 will learn about different seasons in Mandarin. They will compare and explore different seasons in China and Australia, including seasonal celebrations. Students will learn how to name the four seasons in Mandarin and use basic adjectives to describe them. Students with prior knowledge will be encouraged to apply more complex sentences to describe the seasons.


In Term 1, Stage 1 students will be learning about workers in our community by exploring different jobs and roles around us. They will also learn about how we change as we grow and how to keep our body healthy.



We are thrilled to announce the start of a new academic term at our bilingual program. 

In Term 1, the Stage 1 Korean Bilingual classes will engage in Korean literacy lessons which are target language lessons to build on their skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking in Korean. Additionally, this term our students will be embarking on an exciting journey where they will be focusing on the Growing Strong Minds program. Students will participate in Personal Development and Health (PDH) under the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) pedagogy to achieve both the PDH and Korean outcomes. They will learn about different character strengths and how to identify themselves within themselves and others. 


This term, our library lessons will focus on empowering students from Kindergarten to Year 6 with essential skills to harness the library as a rich resource. Students will delve into developing digital literacy skills, engaging deeply with high-quality texts, and cultivating a habit of borrowing books weekly to foster a lifelong love for reading. Integrating lessons with other key learning areas using the inquiry-based learning model, students will explore topics deeply, make interdisciplinary connections, and develop critical thinking skills. Additionally, they will learn to discern between various sources of information, enhancing their ability to critically evaluate and analyze content in today's digital landscape. We're enthusiastic about the enriching experiences and valuable skills our students will gain this term in the library, setting them on a path towards becoming informed, resourceful, and lifelong learners.