Stage 1 Information

Welcome to Stage 1 2024! 

It is wonderful to see all Stage 1 students throughout the day ready for another year of learning and growth. A very special welcome to the new students and parents, who have joined the Chatswood community. 


To ensure every student engages and grows in a nurturing environment we believe that we must work in partnership with our parents. To support this partnership each term we will distribute a termly newsletter, outlining the teaching and learning programs for your child. Parents will have the opportunity to visit stage 1 classrooms for 'meet the teacher' night on Tuesday of Week 3 at 5pm. At the end of the teachers will hold parent teacher interviews for all families. 


A few reminders for the term: 

Drop Off & Pick Up

Thanking K-2 families for their flexibility as we trialed drop off & pick up procedures. Below is a map for your reference. Saying goodbye from the grassed area and keeping the paths clear allows us to move safely to the classrooms. 

Please note, we will be sectioning off the area below the silver seats, as this is where our Oak Inclusive Hub lines up, and they benefit from a settled, quiet environment to start their day. We appreciate your understanding and follow through. 

Lost Property

Please ensure all items of clothing, especially jumpers, hats, drink bottles and food containers, are clearly labelled with your child’s name and class. Students are reminded to bring raincoats to school in case it rains. Please don't send students with umbrellas as they become a safety risk in smaller spaces.


The days are still hot, please ensure that students are wearing the appropriate summer school uniform. If students are wearing extra layers during days of extreme heat, they may be asked to change at school.


If your child has lost one of their belongings, please check the lost property area next to the stairs near the covered cafe.

Walking to and from school


Always hold your child's hand up until they're at least 8 years old. Young children need your help to recognise danger such as vehicles coming out of driveways. They can also be easily distracted and wander into traffic.


Year 3-6

Up until at least 10 years old, supervise your child very closely, holding their hand when crossing the road. If you cannot be with your child, organise for another trusted adult to accompany them. 


Drop off and pick up your child near the school gate and never call them from across the road. Explain to your child the Stop, Look, Listen, Think method and practise it together every time they cross the road: 

  • Stop one step back from the kerb 
  • Look both ways continuously 
  • Listen for the sounds of approaching traffic 

Think whether it's safe to cross and keep checking until you're safely across. 

Sun safety

Please ensure all students have hats and apply at least SPF 30 (or higher) broad-spectrum water-resistant sunscreen.