Specialist News 


Mrs Bacon 

Throughout this term in Auslan the Foundation students have been learning to sign the colours of the rainbow and the school oath. They have been working with their Buddies to practise using their dominant hands and the correct handshape.


The Year One and Two students have been learning to communicate about their feelings through the use of Auslan texts and role play. They are now able to communicate when they are tired, grumpy, worried, determined etc.


The Year Three to Six students have been using Auslan to sign the instructions for recipes. Recently they have signed the instructions for making pikelets whilst cooking them in the classroom. 



Mr E

This term to date we have been concentrating on Fundamentantal Skills - throwing, catching, striking, kicking, dribbling.

District swimming sports were held last week. We had students attend try outs a couple of weeks earlier and then attended the competition Friday, 29th February at the Crib Point Pool where they did really well.

Congratulations to; Maya, Isla, Mary, Alana, Amelia, Daisy, Hunter and Jedd.









Performing Arts

Mrs Herbert  

Last week, Grades 3 - 6 commenced their recorder program. The children were very excited to receive their new recorders and in the first lesson we learnt 3 new notes and lots of rules about when we could play and practice our instruments. We chose the multi purpose room for our first lesson to ensure that we did not disturb the other classes.  Soon, we will be able to share our first tunes as we become more proficient as the Bittern PS recorder ensemble.   The junior classes have been developing their beat and rhythmic skills through singing, movement and playing the cups.  Using paper cups on a hard surface is a great way to develop some interesting techniques to practice keeping the beat and rhythm.  We particularly like Justin Timberlake's 'I've got the Feeling'.   We sound very professional indeed!  

Visual Arts

In Visual Art over the past few weeks, the students have been learning about colour.


Year 1/2's have been learning about Wassily Kandinsky, a famous abstract painter from Russia who used colour in his art to express his feelings and emotions. The class has created a large scale collaborative piece of art inspired by his piece titled 'Farbstudie quadrate’ also known as 'Colour Study. Squares And Concentric Circles'. 



Grade 3/4's have been experimenting with mixing colours and using a colour wheel. They have created Colour Wheel Monster artwork using mixed medium, utilising both real and implied texture in their artwork. The students loved using different found materials to produce textured rubbings for their backgrounds.


Grade 5/6’s have also been designing with colour, creating Colour Wheel Eye artwork. Students have been experimenting with different media to create different patterns and designs within their artwork.


Foundation students have been introduced to the art room and started learning about different processes and techniques used in art. They have been introduced to both water colour and tempera style paints, exploring proper brush handling and techniques. They have also been developing their fine motor skills through cutting, collage and drawing activities. Foundation students have also been involved in some colour study, where they mixed different colour playdough and determined the outcomes of mixing primary colours together.