Senior/Middle class News

Mr Durrington, Miss Bacon and Mr Espenschied

Pancake Day

The students enjoyed participating in the annual Pancake Day, relishing the opportunity to eat delicious pancakes with their favourite toppings! All students and staff would like to thank Ellie Leerentveld and Sarah Ridgway for helping on the day. A very special thank you is also extended to Bert Morsman for taking the time to cook the pancakes for our students.


A reminder to all parents who have students in years 3 and 5 that the NAPLAN assessment period is due to commence on Wednesday, 13th of March. Students have had the opportunity to participate in a variety of practice tests, to enable them to become familiar with the types of questions and functionalities they will encounter in the online assessment portal. 


If you would like to take extra steps to prepare your child for the NAPLAN assessments, you can access a public demonstration site which contains demonstration tests for Numeracy, Reading, Conventions of Language and Writing. The exception is for Year 3 Writing, as students will complete this test of paper, rather than online. The demonstration site can be accessed at;



All students across years 3-6 have been participating in a unit of work surrounding fractions over the past few weeks. Students have investigated a variety of concepts exploring proper and improper fractions, equivalency, decimals and percentages. Staff have focused on providing students with 'hands on' activities, to help consolidate understanding around these concepts. Enjoy a few photos and quotes from our students concerning this unit of work;


Students have also been working on forms of data collection and methods of recording this data. Pictures below on testing the probability of numbers 0 to 13 being the sum of rolling two six sided dice.


'Fractions are good to learn about, because you can use them when you are older.' - Mary 


'You can double the numerator and the denominator to make equivalent fractions.' - Isla 


'A half is bigger than a quarter.' 



'Parts of a fraction have to be the same size.' 



'Quarters are surprisingly bigger than eighths.' 


'The middle line is called the vinculum' 



'A fraction can be proper or improper' 



'Whatever you do to the top, you do to the bottom' 



'Find the common denominator' 



'Percentage is a fraction with 100 parts' 



'Decimals are fractions based on 10 parts'
