Senior school Transition

Important Dates  

Week 1 Term 2                      Parent/carer Information packs will be sent home with Year 6.                                                       This includes the Application for Year 7 Placement form.


Friday, 10th May                   Parent/carers of Year 6 students submit Application for Year 7                                                       Placement 2025 to primary schools.


Wednesday, 17th July         Parents/carers of Year 6 students sent a letter informing them                                                       of their child's Year 7 placement offer for the 2025 school year.                                                       This includes the Acceptance Slip.


From Thursday, 18th July  Secondary schools may commence distributing transition and                                                      orientation information to parents/carers of students who have                                                      a Year 7 placement offer for 2025


Wednesday, 7th August    Parents/carers return their Year 7 Placement Acceptance Slip                                                        to their child's primary school.