Student Leadership News 

Getting to know our new teacher

The school leaders (Brodie and Jedd)  have decided to interview Ms Roberts as she is a new addition to the staff and we would like to see how her experience at Bittern Primary School has been so far.


Brodie: What are your passions?


Ms Roberts: I really enjoy art, painting, making jewellery, basketball, soccer and spending time with my family.


Jedd: What is your role at Bittern Primary School? 


Ms Roberts: I am the art teacher and I'm the teacher for the tutor learning program.


Brodie: What is your favourite part of Bittern? 


Ms Roberts: Definitely how small it is and the students.


Jedd: How do you think we could improve Bittern Primary School? 


Ms Roberts: I think it would be nice to get a few more students and to get a kiln in the art room


Brodie: What made you pick Bittern Primary? 


Ms Roberts: I was looking for somewhere to work just part-time and I like the spaces plus the outdoor areas.


Jedd: What is your favourite class? 


Ms Roberts: I think that I'd say every class since all of the classes have their own qualities.


Brodie: What is your favourite thing about art? 


Ms Roberts: Probably creating things out of clay, being able to create your own work and have creativity.


We know that every teacher's time is very valuable so we thank Ms Roberts for answering our questions and we hope that she continues to have a great time at Bittern Primary School.


After speaking to several students at Bittern we found that the general consensus about Ms Robert's art lessons is that she "Always puts a smile on our faces" and she "Makes art fun and creative" The students really liked how she encourages us to make each piece of work our own in some way. Thank you Ms Roberts, we really appreciate all of your hard work.