Careers Corner

Term 1 Careers News

Welcome back to Bayside Christian College - Careers section! As this is a short newsletter, I would just like to highlight some of the term one “goings on” from my office.  Speaking of my office… I have relocated.  My main office is now in N12 (on the east end of N-block) with our new VCE Coordinator, Mr Chay Williamson.


I have had a few emails and enquiries from both parents and students regarding VET Courses and work placements so I will address those with some general information below.


Term one highlights:

  • Year 10 Individual Student Meetings - Careers/Work Experience (commencing in week 3)
  • Year 12 Individual Student Meetings - Post BCC intentions (commencing in week 5 or 6)
  • VET enrolments - checkin and withdrawal (deadline end February)
  • VET work placements - Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) (required by end of term 1)

VCE-VM arrangements for students

As some parents are new to the structure of how VCE-VM works at Bayside Christian College, I thought I would give a really brief run down to clarify the expectation.  


Year 11 and 12 VCE-VM students attend the college on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday only.  The expectation is that on Wednesday and Friday the student is engaged in an approved VETDSS course on one day and an appropriate work placement on the other.  

VET Enrolments

Most of the VET courses started this week, although there are delayed starts due to trainer availability.  I have had parents asking for details of the course and a reminder of fees etc, so I will be sending out a brief summary just for reference to each student (and parents).  Generally, the RTOs and TAFEs email information directly to students so as a first port of call I would check student emails (possibly spam/junk folders).  


Attendance at VET courses is a priority for both VCE and VCE-VM students.  If VCE students are undertaking a VET course it is the student’s responsibility that they catch up on any work missed on VCE classes due to attendance at their VET course.  


If students are going to be absent (for any reason) please ensure you contact the RTO trainer and also email Ms Smith ( to advise the reason you will not be attending.  


From time to time there may be all day excursions arranged for the VET course.  If this is the case, it is the responsibility of the student to communicate the pending absence with their class teachers, Ms Smith (VET Coordinator) and VCE or VM Coordinator (as applicable).


If students are wanting to withdraw from their VET course, they will need to advise Ms Smith by Thursday 29th February.  This allows time to contact RTOs by the deadline.  If students/parents have not advised by this date, they will be liable to pay full fees.  

Work Placements 

SWL - Structured Workplace Learning

It is strongly recommended (and in some cases a mandatory requirement) that all students undertaking a VET course also engage in an appropriate and relevant work placement.  It can take a little time to find an employer who can commit to a placement for one day a week for 20 weeks.   There is no expectation for students to start at their placement in term 1, however they are welcome to once they have attended at least one day at their VET Course.  As a secondary student, unless they are an employee (with a workplace contract) with the employer they will need to complete a Structured workplace learning agreement form (similar to a work experience form). This form is required to ensure students’ safety in the workplace and cover them in case of injury or accident.


Students are to contact Ms Smith for a hard copy of the form (and guidelines) for the employer to complete and sign.  Parents and students will then complete and sign the form and return to be approved.  Please allow a reasonable period of time for the approval process, as checks need to be made to ensure student’s safety.


Students cannot attend the workplace unless this form has been returned, approved and forwarded to the employer along with SWL guidelines for their reference.  Students will also be sent confirmation of the placement along with a copy of the completed form.


Students have access to the “School to work” portal (formerly the SWL portal) that lists SWL opportunities that exist within our area across numerous industries.  This resource is updated regularly by our wonderful Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Local Learning Education Network (FMPLLEN).  

Work Experience

I will be meeting with the Year 10 cohort of students in the coming weeks to speak about some general information regarding work experience arrangements.  There will also be information that goes home for parents (and reference).


If students don’t already have leads and contacts for work experience, now is the time to get cracking.  Parents are welcome to reach out to their network of friends and family, however it is a great life experience for students to make the phone call or send the email to make enquiries and arrangements.  In past years, the students that have gleaned the most from the experience are those who have sought, obtained and negotiated their own work experience placements.  These students who have engaged more fervently in the workplace and gained the most insight because they have owned the whole process.  I do understand that some students may need additional support and I totally support that, however I would ask that students drive the process as much as possible.  I will be available later this term to brainstorm ideas with students if required and give suggestions or advice about opportunities as they arise.


Students have access to the “School to work” portal (formerly the SWL portal) that lists work experience opportunities that exist within our area across numerous industries.  This resource is updated regularly by our wonderful Frankston and Mornington Peninsula Local Learning Education Network (FMPLLEN).  


For reference, work experience week is Monday 24th June - Friday 28th June.


Students are welcome to contact Ms Smith at any time to make a booking to discuss future study options, career possibilities or just for someone to bounce your aspiration ideas off.  


Kindly note, my work days have changed.  In Week A, I work Monday to Thursday and in Week B, Monday, Wednesday & Thursday.

Please plan ahead, as I am not always available when you need me to be. 


My Calendly bookings are on Monday and Thursday only.  Bookings can be made outside of those days by arrangement only. 


Location: N12 (East end of N-Block)


Booking: (Mondays and Thursdays)


Ms Michelle Smith

Careers Coordinator